What Are You Tying Today?


Awesome Olive

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Olive
Tail - Olive cockerel or substitute
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - BWO fine dubbing
Hackle - Olive hen

Awesome Olive – SoftHackles
thx, it's pretty much Henry Ramsay's pattern. I swap out the tailing as i find the peacock
breaks off too easy.
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Not sure if this has been brough up before, but how do material-heavy flies keep between seasons? I know hooks rust on my big flies under the wings or parachute - no matter how much I try to dry them. Does something similar happen the braided body and leather body flies after a dunking?
By the way, all the flies on this thread are absolutely gorgeous.
yeah, they do stay a bit wet and there is some hook rusting over time, but not too bad overall.

Mono Nymph

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Brown/Olive
Tail - Furnace cockerel or substitute
Underbody - 1/3 brown thread; 2/3 green thread
Thorax cover - Hot orange floss
Overbody - Clear mono
Hackle - Black hen

Top Flies – SoftHackles

Fuego Bucktail

Hook - Mustad L87AP
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Ribbing - Oval gold tinsel
Body - Gold tinsel
Throat - Yellow bucktail
Wing - Brown over orange bucktail
Eyes - Painted black over white

From an Instagram photo

Red Spinner

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Brown
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Dark claret wool
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Dark gray

Trout - Ray Bergman
Pats rubber legs. Been tying up different variations with different chenille, and types of rubber legs. Nothing like a simple fly to catch simple fish.

IMG 8931
IMG 8914