>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Flight's Fancy

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under body; Black head
Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Brown
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Pale yellow floss
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Slate

Trout - Ray Bergman


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tip - Gold tinsel
Tail - Black and yellow married
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Crimson floss
Hackle - Black
Wing - Black stripe over yellow; (may be married). *

Don Bastian note

* The original Babcock wing dressing was full sections of yellow quill with a separate black stripe over. ‘Black stripe over yellow’ is the actual ingredient listing and would seem to indicate thusly. This would be a mixed wing, rather than a married wing. Despite the traditional dressing I usually tie the Babcock with a married wing as shown.

Trout - Ray Bergman
I picked up a snowshoe hare foot at Dette’s Flies last spring - been experimenting. Snowshoe Hare emerger. I’m looking forward to using it on the Beaverkill this spring. Charlie Craven suggested tying the deer hair / SshoeH wing on top of the dubbing - and clipping it off that way . He says it’s more buoyant … we’ll see … but I don’t have that dubbing “lump” any more.
Valdez Stonefly 1080.JPG

Golden Stone

Hook - 3xl nymph
Weight - Lead free wire
Thread - Black or brown
Tail - Brown biots
Over body - Yellow d-rib
Under body - Gold tinsel, flat or embossed
Wing case - Turkey tail fibers
Legs - Brown hackle
Thorax - Golden stone color dubbing

Red Arrow

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Ribbing - Oval silver tinsel
Body - Rear half red seal's fur; Front half black seal's fur
Hackle - Black hen

Collins Illustrated Dictionary of Trout Flied - John Robberts

Mercer's Midgling

Hook - Curved scud
Bead - Clear silver lined seed bead or brass or tungsten bead, color your choice
Thread - Color your choice
Tail - White z-lon or antron
Under body - Metallic flash, color of choice or tying thread
Over body - Plastic micro tubing or v-rib
Wing case - A short bud or loop of metallic flash
Gills - A collar of ostrich herl, choice of color

Creative Fly Tying - Mike Mercer

Diawl Bach

Hook - Standard nymph/wet style
Thread - Black
Tail - Brown hackle fibers
Ribbing - Red holographic tinsel
Body - Peacock herl
Throat - Brown hackle fibers


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tag - Red floss
Tail - Yellow, black and scarlet hackle fibers
Butt - Peacock herl
Body - Gold tinsel
Hackle - Green
Wing - Barred wood duck

Wet Flies - Ken Sawada


Lily May

Hook - Wet fly
Tag - Gold tinsel
Tail - Barred wood duck
Butt - Peacock herl
Body - Light yellow floss ribbed with broad gold tinsel
Hackle - Light yellow
Wing - Speckled pheasant wing quill (or turkey)

Wet Flies - Ken Sawada

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