Downsizing - Junk We Don't Need!

And to add a little context, a typical day out for me will range between 4 and 9 miles, off the grid, by myself and some of those items are non-negotiables with my wife.
Well, the flask does get used. The stainless shot glasses, not so much

Absolutely sincere.

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You, sir, are a madman. I used to get a rough weight measurement of my pack for backpacking, and I knew I liked to keep it light, but I never brought a spreadsheet or anything into play. This is insanity.

You're the most hardcore overpacking angler I've ever personally conversed with. I am striving to be the polar opposite of you. Can I fish with ya, though? I probably wouldn't have to bring anything other than a rod....
I have a buddy like that, so basically I can travel lighter when we're together! He even has a 1/4 role of two-ply toilet paper, maybe a garden spade for digging a hole, in there somewhere....

I used to leave a net home, but I had too many instances where I wished I had it with me, less about the hero shot than how to land this here pig quickly and humanely.... I do have a few nets that I usually swap out based on the water and size of fish. Maybe I should just get one of those long-handled jawns and be good 😉

My biggest issue and cause of lower back pain is laziness. I tend to carry too much tungsten and am not disciplined enough to swap out seasonally appropriate boxes often enough. As @DomR noted, it's a good workout though.
Ha yes! He's got the TP. And he bought me a net last year. I have to take it with me now when I fish with him.
You, sir, are a madman. I used to get a rough weight measurement of my pack for backpacking, and I knew I liked to keep it light, but I never brought a spreadsheet or anything into play. This is insanity.

You're the most hardcore overpacking angler I've ever personally conversed with. I am striving to be the polar opposite of you. Can I fish with ya, though? I probably wouldn't have to bring anything other than a rod....
Seriously, I'm with you.

I've gotten to the point all I take is a few leaders, one fly box with way too many flies, a spool of tippet, a flask and a water. If I need anything else....

Wait I don't.
Actually, now that I think about it, you could probably carry that for me too, right?

You know I am busting your balls out of love, brother. Do what makes you happy. I am actually impressed that you take that much stuff along.
No offense taken. I know I'm on the extreme end and I can absolutely take what's coming to me 😜.

Seriously, I'm with you.

I've gotten to the point all I take is a few leaders, one fly box with way too many flies, a spool of tippet, a flask and a water. If I need anything else....

Wait I don't.
Respect to you minimalists among us. I just can't do it. It feels like driving without a seatbelt on. Just a little uncomfortable.
I go through phases, and, unfortunately, I now sort of find myself in a carry-more-stuff phase. There is a definite inverse relationship between how often I fish and how much stuff I carry. The more often I fish, the less stuff I carry. Because I haven't been fishing very often lately, I find myself thinking about fishing; and the more I think about fishing, the more I convince myself of all the great stuff I need for when I do get back to fishing more often.

I started back in the 1980s and 1990s sporting a fairly decked out vest. Over a few years as I fished more often, I really started to pare things back. At one point I came across something somewhere in the early days of the Internet where a guy had posted about a simple pouch he had "custom made" from Zpacks. Zpacks is a cottage, ultralight backpacking gear company that makes things such as packs and tents. Back in the early days, they were one of the pioneer companies making gear from Cuben Cloth, which is now more commonly known as Dyneema. Dyneema material is super lightweight, incredibly strong and virtually waterproof. I had asked the guy on the 'net (I can't recall which forum it was) about his custom-made pack, and then I emailed Zpacks to see if I could get one for myself.

The owner of Zpacks (probably a kid sewing out of his garage at that time) replied that he had two Dyneema pack pockets in his stash, and he would sew a few small loops onto them for me as attachment points. He also attached a thin, adjustable cord to the small pouch as a neck strap (I ran it through a small foam cylinder for more comfort) and then clipped a thin elastic cord to loops on the bottom to wrap around my torso, so the pouch stays firmly in place and doesn't flop around. The pouch closes with a well-sewn water-resistant zipper. The other guy's custom-made version had two elastic mesh pockets sewn on the front, but that wasn't an option for me at the time.

The Zpacks dude sent these two sewn pouches to me for a grand total of $35, including shipping. Not a bad deal. The pouch holds a small-to-midsize fly box, a couple leaders, a spool or three of tippet (can also be attached to the cord) and maybe a couple indicators and some split shot. The small, exterior loops allow me to attach a couple zingers for nippers and forceps and a small bottle of floatant. That's about it. Weighs very little.

My goal is to start fishing much more often than I have been. When I do, I'm sure I'll migrate away from my overloaded vests, lumbar packs and slings and back to my little Dyneema pouch. It's sort of like a soft version of the C&F Designs Chest Box, but ahead of its time. Zpacks is a bigger company now, so my guess is that if someone called and asked for a custom fly fishing pack, they probably wouldn't be as accommodating, but who knows.
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I find it strange so many guys don't like to use a net. While not the smallest item it sure makes things about 100x easier when its time to land a fish, release it, handle it properly, etc. I would never give up my net. Either in the boat or wading
I always net trout and steelhead unless its like a palm sized native.

I do not typically use a net for warm water fishing.
Entertaining thread. LOL

One note on the tippet holder......No need for any of those metal monstrosities?. I made mine out of a hunk of paracord , a keychain split ring and a small S style clip. It weighs almost nothing and it was crap I was gonna stuff in my vest pockets anyway . 😁
I have started to lighten up my fly box selections too as was mentioned. I have some nice slit foam plastic boxes that I realized were much heavier than the little all foam magnetic ones I had laying on my tying desk so I started moving stuff around.
I also realized I had about 6 pounds of split shots scattered around my vest. I swear I think buddies must have been adding that stuff over the years....kinda like sneaking rocks in your buddy's backpack.

And I moved some items from my vest to my wading belt to get the weight onto my hips vs beating my back into a pretzel. Especially the Net and water bottle.

Of course I just can't seem to ditch the 4 tray Richardson box which sits around my neck like a 50yr old metal albatross with its super comfy skinny canvas straps 😉.........but sometimes you have to pay the price of admission for style points! If Joe Humphries could hack it for 1000 years then I can to. LOL
I made mine out of a hunk of paracord , a keychain split ring and a small S style clip.
I used a paracord tippet holder for many, many years. One day, I thought it would be cool to upgrade. I have been rocking a Fish Pond tippet holder now for years. It is nice and all, but it is just unnecessary junk.
I recently started bringing along a firearm so I can hold up all they guys with stuff I need or run out of but am too lazy to carry myself.

I just hope I don't run into another angler faster on the draw who wants my gun... 😉
Entertaining thread. LOL

One note on the tippet holder......No need for any of those metal monstrosities?. I made mine out of a hunk of paracord , a keychain split ring and a small S style clip. It weighs almost nothing and it was crap I was gonna stuff in my vest pockets anyway . 😁
I have started to lighten up my fly box selections too as was mentioned. I have some nice slit foam plastic boxes that I realized were much heavier than the little all foam magnetic ones I had laying on my tying desk so I started moving stuff around.
I also realized I had about 6 pounds of split shots scattered around my vest. I swear I think buddies must have been adding that stuff over the years....kinda like sneaking rocks in your buddy's backpack.

And I moved some items from my vest to my wading belt to get the weight onto my hips vs beating my back into a pretzel. Especially the Net and water bottle.

Of course I just can't seem to ditch the 4 tray Richardson box which sits around my neck like a 50yr old metal albatross with its super comfy skinny canvas straps 😉.........but sometimes you have to pay the price of admission for style points! If Joe Humphries could hack it for 1000 years then I can to. LOL
You can fit binoculars in one of those Richardson trays, true story.