>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Size 18 - Black Caddis


Brougham's Clowholm (Var)

Hook - Wet Fly
Thread - Black
Tag - Gold oval tinsel
Tail - Teal flank fibers
Ribbing - Gold oval tinsel
Body - Burgundy wool or seal's fur
Throat - Burgundy hackle
Wing - Off-white swan*

*I used white goose

Brougham's Clowholm (fabri-mouches.ca)


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Yellow
Ribbing - Gold tinsel
Body - Black floss
Hackle - Black
Wing - Yellow

How To Tie Flies - E C Gregg


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under floss body, Black head
Tail - Teal
Ribbing - Black floss
Body - White floss
Hackle - Grizzly
Wing - Teal

Trout - Ray Bergman


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under floss body, Black head
Tail - Teal
Ribbing - Black floss
Body - White floss
Hackle - Grizzly
Wing - Teal

Trout - Ray Bergman
Super clean (smooth) body on this. Nicely done.
thank you


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under floss body, Black head
Tail - Teal
Ribbing - Black floss
Body - White floss
Hackle - Grizzly
Wing - Teal

Trout - Ray Bergman
Now that’s a nice tie! I’m still trying to decide if that fly is too nice to fish.🤔

Whitechurch Dun

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - White under body, Black head
Tail - Gray mallard
Body - Yellow floss
Hackle - Ginger
Wing - Light gray

How To Tie Flies - E C Gregg

Poor Mans Fly

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Ginger
Body - Brown wool
Hackle - Ginger
Wing - Gray mallard

How To Tie Flies - E C Gregg


Hook - Wet Fly
Thread - Black
Tal - Scarlet
Body - Red chenille - silver or gold tinsel center
Hackle - Mixed bright green and scarlet or claret
Wing - Teal

Trout - Ray Bergman
Just tying stuff on a hook to see what happens

Hook - 1/0 Ahrex SA220 streamer hook
Thread - 140 UTC white
Tail - Small white dragon tail
Eyes - Yellow Medium lead dumbell eyes
Tail collar? - Flo pink saddle hackle
Body - Pearl crystal chenille/olive dyed grizzly hen saddle
Head - White/pink polar fiber
Just tying stuff on a hook to see what happens

Hook - 1/0 Ahrex SA220 streamer hook
Thread - 140 UTC white
Tail - Small white dragon tail
Eyes - Yellow Medium lead dumbell eyes
Tail collar? - Flo pink saddle hackle
Body - Pearl crystal chenille/olive dyed grizzly hen saddle
Head - White/pink polar fiber
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Presenting "Fabulous!" by Poopdeck. 😀
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