>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Size 16
Yellow thread body
Sooty Olive Dubbed thorax
India Hen Hackle
I tried a wrapped foam body for a stimulator once. Cutting a thin strip of foam was difficult. But once I made a foam strip, it tied nicely and I carefully spaced the turns so that the hackle could slot in between the turns of foam. The finished fly looked great, but didn't fish well at all. Couldn't keep it floating for the life of me. I don't know if I did something wrong, but it didn't fish as well as a commercial tie I had in my box. My fly was more sparse than the commercial one, maybe that is the important difference.
I've had the same exact experience with foam body caddis flies. They just don't seem to float well at all. I just use extra fine dubbing.
I've had the same exact experience with foam body caddis flies. They just don't seem to float well at all. I just use extra fine dubbing.
I agree. I have not preferred foam in lots of my dry flies. I love a foam Hippie Stomper, though. Maybe I'll tie some of those today.
Thanks for the replies, very helpful. Will need to score some of that dubbing. I have tied a stimmy with a strip of foam laid across the top of the shank. Seems to help floatability. Tying sequence would go tail, tie in hackle, tie in foam strip, palmer thread forward over foam strip, and follow on top of thread wraps with hackle. Then finish the fly as usual.
I might as well add another classic to the box. You know, I don't think I've ever caught a fish on a Mickey Finn. This year will be the year.
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Cool! Back in the 80’s as freshman at PSU me and Dave Weaver used to terrorize the native brookies in the stream in front of the PSU Mont Alto campus. We knew them all real well and I remember catching quite a few on a small Mickey Finn fly. In fact the first native brookie I ever caught was on a Mickey Finn in Carbaugh Run. Lots of great memories from back in those days!
Cool! Back in the 80’s as freshman at PSU me and Dave Weaver used to terrorize the native brookies in the stream in front of the PSU Mont Alto campus. We knew them all real well and I remember catching quite a few on a small Mickey Finn fly. In fact the first native brookie I ever caught was on a Mickey Finn in Carbaugh Run. Lots of great memories from back in those days!
Cool story. It's neat to learn the histories and long friendships some of our forum members have.

The Mickey Finn is a renowned brookie fly. I'll be sure to throw it a bunch this year for brook trout in some of my favorite mountain streams.

Grumpy Frumpy

Hook - 2X-long dry-fly hook, size 12
Thread - Red
Tail - Brown polypropylene yarn
Body - Yellow floss
Back - Tan closed-cell foam
Legs - Rubber legs
Wing - White polypropylene yarn
Hackle - Light brown

Favorite Flies: A Comprehensive Guide to Tying and Fishing the Best Flies Available - David Klausmeyer
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