>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Combination of a couple of patterns on this tie. It’s definitely a Picket Pin style fly with some major components of the Light Edson Tiger incorporated into the pattern. Tied on an old style Mustad 79580 size 12 hook. I think Central PA native brookies will be all over this fly. Hoping to give it a shot this winter to knock the edges off of the cabin fever. Merry Christmas!

Is that wrapped foam on the body? Real nice.
No, the body is dubbed with Joe Ackourey’s Natural Fur Blends dubbing in the color he calls Sulphur Dun. I absolutely love the properties of this dubbing. Joe sells some really great quality materials - especially dubbing and deer hair.
No, the body is dubbed with Joe Ackourey’s Natural Fur Blends dubbing in the color he calls Sulphur Dun. I absolutely love the properties of this dubbing. Joe sells some really great quality materials - especially dubbing and deer hair.
The top 12 compartments shown below are some of his dubbings, in different furs and colors. Several of these are hairs ear in natural and dyed colors, and the others may be dyed rabbit fur, although I see he calls the black one beaver.

The bottom 6 compartments contain Hare-tron dubbing in various colors.
I was at the Fly Tying Symposium and bought several packs of dubbing and deer from Joe. I agree his stuff is excellent. Good fine hair for comparaduns is hard to find.
Is that wrapped foam on the body? Real nice.
I tried a wrapped foam body for a stimulator once. Cutting a thin strip of foam was difficult. But once I made a foam strip, it tied nicely and I carefully spaced the turns so that the hackle could slot in between the turns of foam. The finished fly looked great, but didn't fish well at all. Couldn't keep it floating for the life of me. I don't know if I did something wrong, but it didn't fish as well as a commercial tie I had in my box. My fly was more sparse than the commercial one, maybe that is the important difference.
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