>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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Sometimes less is more. I really like a sparse small popper. Big enough for the smallies and a good fit for larger panfish.


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Pepperoni Yuk Bug

Hook – Mustad R74-9672, size 4-10

Weight – Lead/lead free wire

Thread – Black

Tail – Black pheasant tail fibers

Legs – White rubber legs

Body – Black chenille

Thorax – Orange chenille

Hackle – Brown saddle hackle

Tying Flies with Jack Dennis and Friends
barrybarry: I agree!

I love Gurglers tied on a #6 or #8 short shank, wide gape hook with a little UV minnow belly in a dubbing loop on the shank, white marabou or bucktail tail. It's an easy 3-5 minute tie (I'm slow) and effective on many species.

I've had days where this is all I fish on rivers and lakes, catching bass, panfish, and pickerel. Killer!

Gimp Nymph

Hook – Mustad S80-3906, S82-3906B (or equivalent), sizes 10-16
Thread - Black
Tail - Dun hen hackle barbs
Body - Dubbed with gray rabbit fur
Wings - Two semi plumes from the base of a Lady Amherst pheasant tippet feather tied flat
(one on top of the other) over the body and extending to approximately the end of the hook
Legs - Dun hen hackle tied on as a collar and tied back

Fish Flies - The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier’s Art – Terry Helleckson



I seriously doubt your flies will actually catch fish. Any trout would stop and look in wonder as to who could create a "perfect" bug like that!!

Steeltrap wrote:

I seriously doubt your flies will actually catch fish. Any trout would stop and look in wonder as to who could create a "perfect" bug like that!!


They'll catch a lot of fishermen though!
First time tying bigger saltwater flies. Here's a bunch of Clousers!


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Olive or black over orange kills them in N.C. I also find the salters like them a little more sparsely tied. Nice ties.

Quill Gordon Winged Wet Fly

Hook – Mustad 3906, 3906B, size 10
Thread - Black
Tail - Lemon wood duck flank (or medium dun)
Body - Stripped peacock herl, counter wound with extra fine wire (or cemented)
Hackle - Dun hen hackle collar
Wing - Lemon wood duck flank


Quill Gordon Winged Wet Fly

Hook – Mustad 3906, 3906B, size 10
Thread - Olive/olive dun
Tail - Dun hen hackle fibers
Body - Stripped peacock herl, counter wound with extra fine wire (or cemented)
Hackle - Dun hen hackle collar
Wing - Lemon wood duck flank

Smoke Jumper


AP Olive Crystal Nymph


O'Keefe Special


Black Beauty


Marabou Nymph - Black

Golden Buzzer

Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B or equivalent, size 10-18
Thread - Black
Breathers - White uni stretch
Ribbing - Black wire
Body - Flat gold tinsel
Thorax - Gray dubbing


Hook - Mustad 3906, 3906B or equivalent, size 8-16
Thread - Black
Ribbing - Dark brown neck hackle stem and fine gold wire
Reverse wrap the body with fine gold wire after ribbing has been wrapped
Body - Orange yarn or dubbed synthetic fur
Hackle - Grizzly hen hackle

Popular Fly Patterns by Terry Hellekson.

There are many version of this fly and its recipe. This is just another method of tying it.

Leadwing Coachman
I'm working on a new bass bug for next season. Still needs a bit of tweaking.


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Nice, I like that orange one ,it looks like it would draw some attention
I've been tying up some clousers for my SW club's table at the January Fly Fishing show.



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Jungle ****

Winged Wet Fly

Hook - Mustad 3399

Thread - Black

Tail - Golden pheasant crest

Ribbing - Gold wire

Body - Black floss or uni stretch

Wing - 2 jungle **** feathers, back to back

Hackle - Black
Some big streamers for the rivers during the colder months. . .


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Cone Head Pheasant Tail Nymph

Hook - Mustad 3906B or equivalent
Bead - Cone head, small
Weight - Lead/lead free wire
Thread - Brown
Tail - Pheasant tail fibers
Ribbing - Copper wire
Abdomen - Pheasant tail fibers
Wing case - Pheasant tail fibers
Thorax - Peacock herl
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