>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part V

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Hook - Mustad 38941, size 6-10
Thread - Gray
Tail - Greenish gray **** ring neck pheasant rump feather fibers
Body - Dubbed muskrat, beaver and olive synthetic fur mixed in equal parts
Legs - Greenish gray **** ring neck pheasant rump feather fibers
Wing case - Mottled brown **** ring neck body feather tied in at
the head and extending over 1/3 of body

Popular Fly Patterns - Terry Hellekso
nfrechet wrote:


Hook - Mustad R73-9671, size 8-12

Thread - Olive

Tail - Dyed olive hackle stems tied in a V

Body - Olive dun dubbing

Wing case - Dyed olive goose quill section tied in over the thorax

Legs - Ginger variant hackle wrapped through the thorax

Thorax - Olive dun dubbing

Popular Fly Patterns - Terry Helleckson

I like how that fly looks but I know tails like that last a few casts or a few fish and then they are broken off it seems. Wish there was a more durable natural looking material for tails.
Green weinies.

The top one I tried at Laurel Hill Creek and got nothing. The second one down my buddy used and caught 4 missed more. The 3rd & 4th I just tied with "improvements." Seemed the red got the attention. Green catipillers were dropping from the overhanging trees....but no red heads.....but a white\grey legs.

Body:Orvis Ultra chenille
Thread: UTC 70 Red
Legs: Whiting Rooster cape
Wire: X-sm copper

CDC Bubble Back Caddis Dry
Ran into this pattern and liked the way it looked. Very natural looking to me. You can’t skitter it though. Floats really well. You can even pull it underwater and it floats right back up. No Froggs Fannie just a little regular floatant on the deer hair.

Size 14
Natural CDC - 3 plumes. 1 for the body and 2 for the wings.
Deer Body Hair
Lemon Wood Duck
Hares Ear Dubbing


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bigjohn58 wrote:

I like how that fly looks but I know tails like that last a few casts or a few fish and then they are broken off it seems. Wish there was a more durable natural looking material for tails.

yes the tails will be gone after a couple of fish.

just use what you might think will be better. i doubt the fish will care

Marabou Streamer - White

Hook - Mustad R74-9672, Size 4-10
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Body - Silver tinsel chenille
Throat - Red hackle fibers
Wing - White marabou
Topping - Peacock herls


Marabou Streamer - Black

Hook - Mustad R74-9672, Size 4-10
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Body - Silver tinsel chenille
Throat - Red hackle fibers
Wing - Black marabou
Topping - Peacock herls


Marabou Streamer - Brown

Hook - Mustad R74-9672, Size 4-10
Thread - Brown
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Body - Silver tinsel chenille
Throat - Red hackle fibers
Wing - Brown marabou
Topping - Peacock herls


Marabou Streamer - Yellow

Hook - Mustad R74-9672, Size 4-10
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Body - Silver tinsel chenille
Throat - Red hackle fibers
Wing - Yellow marabou
Topping - Peacock herls

Popular Fly Patterns - Terry Hellekson

Tie using different colors of tinsel chenille and marabou.

Add a bead or cone heads.

Be creative. Experiment.

Deep Roller

Hook – 3xl or 4xl nymph hook, size 12-16
Bead – Small tungsten
Weight - Lead/lead free wire
Thread – Black
Tail – Hungarian partridge
*Body – Twisted orange floss
Wing case – Pheasant or turkey tail fibers
Thorax – Rainbow scud dubbing
Legs – Hungarian partridge

*Use different colored floss for the body

Since we are laid up working on a box of gobies for this fall.


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Working on updating the streamer box for a White River trip. Been really getting into articulated ties recently too.
Swimming Nymph — Size 8
DRAKEKING — those articulated streamers look great. Really like the black one.
These are Damselfly and Dragonfly/anything Nymphs for the river. I wished I would have tied these a little smaller. I may pinch off a little of the marabou. Fished them last week and they just felt a little too big to me. Although these are specific nymph patterns, a woolly bugger would probably fish just as well or better. These are weighted but not too much. The river seems to eat bead-heads. I like them to sink but not too quickly.


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Bird's Stonefly - Dry

Hook - TFS 2302, size 4-8
Thread - Orange
Tail - Moose body hairs
Body - Burnt orange floss
Rib - Brown saddle hackle, trimmed
Wings - Fox squirrel tail or black bucktail
Hackle - Brown saddle hackle
Antennae - Moose body hairs

Cate's Turkey

Hook - Mustad S80-3906, S82-3906B - size 12-18
Thread - Black
Tail - Wood duck feather fibers
Rib - Gold wire
Abdomen - Mottled turkey tail fibers
Thorax - Peacock herl
Legs - Wood duck feather fibers

Cove's Pheasant Tail

Hook - Tiemco 2457, 2487 (or equivalent), 
Mustad S80-3906, S82-3906B (or equivalent), size 10-18
Thread - Black
Rib - Gold or copper Wire 
Body - Pheasant tail fibers
Thorax - Gray dubbing
Wing case - Pheasant tail fibers
Legs - Pheasant tail fiber tips from wing case and pulled back

May be tied without legs
May be tied weighted with lead/lead free wire

Originated by Arthur Cove

Hot Vac

Hook - Any curved style hook

Bead - Brass or tungsten

Thread - Hot orange

Ribbing - Gold or copper wire

Body - Pheasant tail fibers

Wing - White uni stretch

Hot spot - Tying thread

Blue Ribbon Flies Website


Hook - Mustad R73-9671, R74-9672, sizes 2-10
Thread - Brown
Tail & Antennae - White rubber legs tied in a V
Abdomen - Brown chenille
Legs - Brown hackle palmered through the thorax
Thorax - Brown chenille

Fish Flies - The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art - Terry Hellekson
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