>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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Royal Coachman Bucktail Tandem

Front hook - Nymph/wet size 6
Rear hook - Nymph/wet size 8
Thread - Black
Connector – .018 diameter Beadalon wire and red medium killer caddis beads
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Body – Peacock herl*red beads*peacock herl
Throat - Brown hackle fibers
Wing – White bucktail

Tying note: Orientation of the rear hook may be pointed upward or downward (depicted) if desired
Tried my hand at a Ritt's Fighting Crayfish which i saw here on the forum Home page awhile back. Had to substitute some of the materials. For my first one, i think it turned out pretty well. size 8 ends up putting out a crayfish about the size of a wooly bugger. might go bigger next time if i'm looking for a bass lure. this will work well for smaller bass and crappie.

Hook – Daiichi 1730 sz. 8
Weight – lead dumbbell eyes
Antennae – yellow Krystal Flash
Eyes – Black round rubber
Claws/Arms – Brown 2mm foam claws on brown olive round rubber arms
Carapace – plastic bag colored Mottled Brown with markers
Underbody – metallic Braid
Body – unlabeled rust krystal flash tybe dubbing
Legs – Brown saddle hackle palmered through body and dubbing brushed out
Rib – Red Ultra Wire
Thread: UTC 70 Denier brown
Getting ready for Bucks County creek fishing.....work etc keeps me fishing close to home 75% of the time. This is my go-to. I've also slammed SMB on Penns with these later in the summer...


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White Wulff

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Black
Tail - White bucktail
Body - Cream dubbing
Wing - White bucktail
Hackle - Badger
semperfish Posted on: Today 8:06
Getting ready for Bucks County creek fishing.....work etc keeps me fishing close to home 75% of the time. This is my go-to. I've also slammed SMB on Penns with these later in the summer...

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Ok.....but what's the details?? Recipe? Hook size???
Steeltrap wrote:
semperfish Posted on: Today 8:06
Getting ready for Bucks County creek fishing.....work etc keeps me fishing close to home 75% of the time. This is my go-to. I've also slammed SMB on Penns with these later in the summer...

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Ok.....but what's the details?? Recipe? Hook size???

They look like Gartside Gurglers without palmered hackle.


Pretty simple, yet effective topwater fly.

Simple enough for me to tie.
FYI: my experience is: "if it ain't chartreuse, it ain't no use!".
I tied some in black and couldn't see them on the water
LMB/heavy cover tip: I tie the same fly semperfish posted, but larger (1/0+) and upside down. The only part that's a little tricky is getting the correct "hump" in the foam so it covers the hook point without filling the hook gap too much. I can drag that fly though most of the heavy weed and wood cover I encounter. IMO, it's a lot better option than mono pr wire weed guards.

Emerald Shiner - Thunder Creek Streamer

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Keith Fulsher or straight eye equivalent
Thread - White
Flanks - Peacock krystal flash
Back - Brown bucktail dyed green
Belly - White bucktail
Gills - Red paint
Eyes - Painted black over white
Head - Epoxy or uv resin over the bucktail


Largemouth Bass - Thunder Creek Streamer

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Keith Fulsher or straight eye equivalent
Thread - White
Flanks - Black floss ribbed with flat silver tinsel
Back - Brown bucktail dyed green
Belly - White bucktail
Gills - Red paint
Eyes - Painted black over white
Head - Epoxy or uv resin over the bucktail

Brown Trout - Thunder Creek Streamer

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Keith Fulsher or straight eye equivalent
Thread - White
Flanks - Root beer krystal flash under mixed black and red bucktail
Back - Natural brown bucktail
Belly - Mixed yellow and white bucktail
Gills - Red paint
Eyes - Painted black over white
Head - Epoxy or uv resin over the bucktail

Spottail Shiner - Thunder Creek Streamer

Hook - Gaelic Supreme Keith Fulsher or straight eye equivalent
Thread - White
Caudal spot - Black floss
Flanks - Embossed gold tinsel
Back - Brown part of a bucktail dyed green
Belly - White bucktail
Gills - Red paint
Eyes - Painted black over white
Head - Epoxy or uv resin over the bucktail
Hi-Vis Parachute Adams


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Quill Gordon

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Tan/gray
Wing - Wood duck flank, divided
Tail - Dun hackle fibers
Body - Stripped peacock eye quill
Hackle - Dun




Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Black
Wing - Grizzly hen hackle points
Tail - Brown and grizzly hackle fibers
Body - Gray dubbing
Hackle - Brown and grizzly


Hook - Mustad R50X-94845
Thread - Tan
Tail - Cream hackle fibers
Body - Muskrat and red wool blended to heathery claret gray
Hackle - Golden badger
@nfrechet...Is there anything you can't tie to pure perfection brother? You definitely have a gift. Love the Thundercreek Streamers!
i practice a lot and try my best to post quality flies for all to enjoy 🙂

Mustard Optic Bucktail

Hook – Mustad R75-79580
Thread – Black
Tail – Peacock herl
Ribbing – Gold or silver oval tinsel (gold used here)
Body – Flat silver tinsel
Throat – Peacock sword herls
Wing – Brown bucktail over yellow bucktail with peacock herl sides
Cheeks – Jungle ****
Eyes – Painted black over yellow
UV Resin

Reference – Tying and Fishing Bucktails – Mike Valla

Peastone/Peacock Stone Nymph - Ted Niemeyer

Hook - Salmon style
Thread - Tan
Tail - Natural Brown
Ribbing - Black wire or thread
Body covering - Clear flat tinsel
Body - Tan tapered body done with thread or floss
Thorax - Peacock herl
Wing - Peacock sword
Throat - Brown hackle fibers

Reference - Youtube video
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