>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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That is exactly what I do. Wrap the hackle behind and in front of the CDC and then finish off with a little more dubbing and whip finish.


Adams Comparadun

Hook - Standard dry fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Brown and grizzly
Body - Gray dubbing
Hackle - Brown and grizzly

Comparadun technique


Tup's Indispensable

Hook - Standard dry fly

Thread -Yellow.
Tails - Blue dun, Honey Dun, Brassy Dun, Ginger (depicted)
Tip – Yellow thread
* Body - A dubbing mixture with a very faint light red color consisting of wool from the scrotum of a ram, crème-colored unborn seal’s fur and the same dyed red as well as yellow and a little wool from a lemon-colored ****er Spaniel
Hackle - Blue dun, Honey Dun, Brassy Dun, Ginger (depicted)

* Obviously, the body dubbing mentioned above wasn’t used to tie this fly. I merely hand mixed red, cream, burnt orange wool with a little yellow rabbit fur to achieve the pinkish colored dubbing.

The urine stained wool from the scrotum of a ram was definitely not used. What in the hell was the originator thinking when he blended those materials?

"What in the hell was the originator thinking when he blended those materials?"

My guess: Back in the day when flies like Tupps were created, there was a fetish fir esoteric materials. It seems to give the patterns a bit of magic (eye of newt, etc.). I'm surprised hair from the around a unicorn's anus wasn't used.
Perhaps more importantly, how does one get the ram to stand still while harvesting this wool from his scrotum ? ? ?
Well.....if you don't have the unborn seal fur.....the trout are picky enough to notice any substitution. Yes. That's 100% spot on true.

Beadhead Prince Nymph
Perhaps more importantly, how does one get the ram to stand still while harvesting this wool from his scrotum ? ? ?.

Buy him dinner first? :lol:

Adams Irresistible

Hook - Dry fly style

Thread - Black

Tail - Moose body hair

Body - Deer hair, trimmed

Wings - Grizzly hen hackle tips

Hackle - Brown and grizzly, mixed

#18 Hard Body Wet-Ant.. (Can’t post pics, but trying something different to see if it works)


Rat Faced McDougal

Hook - Standard dry fly style
Thread - Tan or black
Tail - Ginger hackle fibers
Body - Deer hair
Wing - Grizzly hen hackle tips (there is also a version with a wing of white calf tail)
Hackle - Ginger
Fly of the day, Green Caddis size 18. I have been killing em on a Tan Caddis for a few weeks now so thought I would try a green also.

Tight Lines !!


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Grasshopper/Attractor - size 12
Yellow 8 Thread
Red Tail
Yellow Body
Brown Hackle
Teal Flank Wing
Elk Hair


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Oh and I picked up one of those profile plates. Makes for easier tying and better photos!


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Micro hoppers....

The shoreline vegetation along many valley streams are loaded with small hoppers and crickets this time of year. Most of these lil bugs are around a half inch in length so many PA FFers are using hopper/cricket flies that are too large to match most of the naturals.


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I agree. Some of the best trout I have caught out of Falling Springs and Mossy Creek in Virginia over the years were on small hoppers. I'm still sitting on a bunch of large Whitlock Hoppers that just collect dust. Even though they look great, they just don't produce for me. If you get a chance, take a look at the pattern below. It's very easy to tie and is a producer on spring creeks. For mountain trout, I add in a tag of hot orange or hot pink before tying off- EP Sculpt-A-Fly Fibers work great for that since that stuff can float all day unlike poly.


Black Martinez

Hook - Mustad 3906B
Thread - Black
Tail - Guinea hen fibers
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Black dubbing (original was black seal fur)
Wingcase – Insect green swiss straw or equivalent
Thorax - Black chenille
Hackle - Hungarian partridge


Olive Pheasant Tail Nymph with Hot Spot

Hook - Wet/nymph style
Thread - Your favorite color
Tail - Olive pheasant tail
Ribbing - Copper wire
Body - Olive pheasant tail
Hot spot - Hot orange glo brite strands
Wing case - Olive pheasant tail
Thorax - Peacock herl
Wild_Trouter wrote:
If you get a chance, take a look at the pattern below. It's very easy to tie and is a producer on spring creeks. For mountain trout, I add in a tag of hot orange or hot pink before tying off- EP Sculpt-A-Fly Fibers work great for that since that stuff can float all day unlike poly.

Neat. That's a nice pattern.
(So many really outstanding fly tying stuff on Youtube.)

I like foam and synthetic materials for many of my terrestrials.
Here's a batch of tiny crickets...


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