>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part IV

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Thanks, N. Now I have to go retie all my EHCs. :lol:

always glad to help :-D :-D :-D
Minnows....two Marabou and one Craft Fur

dennisl wrote:
My first elk hair caddis. Wing too long?

The wing length looks fine.

But the hackle looks like it's tied in wet fly style, i.e. with the shiny side forward.

For dry flies, they will float much better if the hackle is tied with the shiny side toward the back and dull colored side facing forward.

troutbert wrote:
dennisl wrote:
My first elk hair caddis. Wing too long?

The wing length looks fine.

But the hackle looks like it's tied in wet fly style, i.e. with the shiny side forward.

For dry flies, they will float much better if the hackle is tied with the shiny side toward the back and dull colored side facing forward.

Yeah, that's right. Dull side against hook shank. These are the instructions in Charlie Craven's Basic Fly Tying book. Will try it the other way as well!
Few Stimulators from last night. First time tying this pattern.

Picked an entirely too large front hackle for one of the green variations but maybe it'll be good for rougher water?

Also struggled a bit with the amount of deer hair to use, especially for the wings. Feels like I overdid it on at least one of them.



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Dennisl, fish 'em. They are fine. And remember....it doesn't matter what you think....it matters what the trout think.
Steeltrap wrote:
Dennisl, fish 'em. They are fine. And remember....it doesn't matter what you think....it matters what the trout think.


Stimulators are usually tied pretty thick. The second batch in the lower photo look a bit more polished with respect to proportions, but overall your flies are good to fish.
dennisl wrote:
Few Stimulators from last night. First time tying this pattern.

Picked an entirely too large front hackle for one of the green variations but maybe it'll be good for rougher water?

Also struggled a bit with the amount of deer hair to use, especially for the wings. Feels like I overdid it on at least one of them.

Those will be good.

And yes, when the water is up and moving fast, the larger and shaggier ones will work well.


stump lake damselfly nymph
A useful step is to trim the bottom of your collar hackle on the stimulator to help it float lower in the film .
Handful of biot-bodied nymphs that have been working well in the Poconos!

Tails and legs: Partridge feathers
Thorax: Antron dubbing
Wingcase: Turkey tails
Hooks: Daiichi 1560 sz 14, TMC 5262 sz 16 (for beaded variations)

Typically I put some UV resin on these guys but the Loon resin I have turns cloudy and cracks within hours of fishing so this time I just applied some glue before wrapping the bodies. We'll see how it holds up.


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Ausable Wulff

Hook- Dry fly style
Thread - Hot orange
Tail = Woodchuck guard hairs
Body - Rusty orange dubbing
Wing - White calf tail
Hackle - Brown and grizzly
That is a beautiful Ausable Wulff, and one of my all-time favorite dry fly patterns. I have seen the body tied in tan, pink, rust brown, but the rusty orange as you have tied has always worked best for me. Great searching pattern- right up there with Stimulators.

Typically I put some UV resin on these guys but the Loon resin I have turns cloudy and cracks within hours of fishing so this time I just applied some glue before wrapping the bodies. We'll see how it holds up.

I've been applying a head cement over the UV resin on the various nymph patterns I've tied this year.

Can't vouch for the durability of this as I simply haven't been able to fish much this spring.




Grizzly King Wulff

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Black
Tail - Red hackle fibers
Ribbing - Flat silver tinsel
Body - Green yarn
Wing - Gray squirrel tail
Hackle - Grizzly



Black Wulff

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Black
Tail - Moose body hair
Body - Pink floss
Wing - Moose body hair
Hackle - Brown and grizzly



Grey Wulff

Hook- Dry fly style
Thread - Grey
Tail - Natural brown bucktail
Body - Grey dubbing
Wing -Natural brown bucktail
Hackle - Dun



Grizzly Wulff

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Black
Tail - Natural brown bucktail
Body - Yellow floss or uni stretch (depicted)
Wing - Natural brown bucktail
Hackle - Brown and grizzly



Were Wulff

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Tan
Tail - Deer or moose hair (depicted)
Body - Hare's ear dubbing
Wing - Calf tail
Hackle - Brown and grizzly



Royal Wulff

Hook - Dry fly style
Thread - Black
Tail - Moose body hair
Body - Peacock herl - red floss - peacock herl
Wing - White calf tail
Hackle - Brown
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