>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part III

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nomad_archer wrote:
NewSal wrote:

Sense we are on the pheasant tail topic I Also finished my PT box for the season, now to finish filling the other side with hares ears lol

Pheasant tails rock

Looks great. I like to start tie on a BHPT and Hares ear when I start fishing for the day. Lots of times I don't need to change the rig.

Same here man, I have other nymph boxes that have pheasant tail varients - more flashy frenchie style pheasant tails, and if a regular pheasant tail doesn't work, Ill go to the frenchies, and if they don't work I go to hares ears.
And I usually don't get past the frenchie, because along with the pheasant tail I usually have a walts worm on, or a soft hackle and between all of them if im not catching anything I should just go home lol..

Fly pattern is secondary IMO, presentation is whats important, and the pheasant tail just covers such a wide variety of bugs its hard to beat.
NewSal wrote:

Fly pattern is secondary IMO, presentation is whats important, and the pheasant tail just covers such a wide variety of bugs its hard to beat.

I agree. I do think that it is presentation, presentation, presentation, then color, and then pattern.

One day I will simplify my nymph box. Right now I probably have 100 different patterns. But only fish a few go figure. But I am ready for lots of different things.
nomad_archer wrote:
NewSal wrote:

Fly pattern is secondary IMO, presentation is whats important, and the pheasant tail just covers such a wide variety of bugs its hard to beat.

I agree. I do think that it is presentation, presentation, presentation, then color, and then pattern.

One day I will simplify my nymph box. Right now I probably have 100 different patterns. But only fish a few go figure. But I am ready for lots of different things.

Same here man, I have tons of different nymph patterns I carry with me, I think thats just part of being a fly-tyer. But when im actually fishing i try to simplify the fly selection process as much as possible, hense having a ton of PT's and hares ears. If i cant catch fish on those, or feel like experimenting a little ill dig into my other boxes and try some of the other crazy patterns i have.
Have vise...will travel. A little tying during lunch break. Figure I can't fish...why not tie! 😀

Still need to get the legs right....but I like it.


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Did a couple Black Bead Head Wooly Buggers last night, at the daughters request. (She calls them Wooly Boogers, and she stole a maribou feather cause it tickles her.)

Also added more PTs to the ranks. Probably going to get to 12 STD PTs, then switch it up and do some bead heads.

Now I just need to get the wife to let me escape and fish these bugs soon!


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FlyGuy, your flies are remarkable for first ties. Think about starting an individual or thread for each fly so more experienced tyers can give you a better critique and offer tips.
I had not seen a PT pattern like that before with a "wing" instead of a (OMG..my brain is really fried...I cannot think of what the term is for the pre emergence wing covering!!!)
Anyway, does it have an official name? did you see it on Tightlines?
acesedgley wrote:

:lol: Nope....that is my failed attempt at legs (which should run along the side). Finally managed to get the legs to lay out right today at lunch, so hopefully they work out from now on. But if the fish eat it...I don't care.
ok I see....
everyone was praising it I thought for sure I was missing an opportunity to try a new pattern.
You can just use some Velcro to rub on the thorax dubbing along the bottom of the fly which will pull out some strands and make it buggier and kind of represent legs. Or pick some out with a bodkin.
RCFetter wrote:
FlyGuy, your flies are remarkable for first ties. Think about starting an individual or thread for each fly so more experienced tyers can give you a better critique and offer tips.

Thanks RC. I'll definitely do that. Critical review and tips are the only way to improve (well and practice, practice, practice)

Ace...sadly I have peacock hurl as the thorax, so can't tease that out. Just your traditional PR, with a bad hair day. :lol:
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
Nice Trevor! Is that squirrel fur for the first one?

Thats a tan pine squirrel zonker on the slumpbuster. I used a black/copper sparkle braid for the body. I would have really like to use a black nickle cone but all I had was gold in that size.
More buggers for the box. I would have done some black ones but apparently I am out of black chenille. I have no idea how that happened.


acesedgley wrote:
nomad what size hook are the slumpbusters tied on?
they r awesome!

Thanks! I tie them on 4-8 6xl hooks, The longer hook have the fly a longer body. I want to try them on 4xl hook and see if there is any improvement on takes to landed fish or if it is me doing something funny. I lean towards it being operator error. But I always seem to have a few short strikes or long distance releases with these possibly because they are all tied barbless. I tied a few in size 2 6xl with some flash and rubber legs that I want to try for bass this year.
Friday off and raining so I spent a few minutes at the vise:

Tried some squirmy wormies. I like the beadhead versions better, though I'll fish both.

Also played with a couple of wets but I think they are razor candidates.



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Blacknosed dace: Tied up 6 of these and this is the best. Still needs improvement but I'm improving.



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