Well-known member
Tack-L-Tyer wrote:
The Purple Crow bears a close resemblance to the Usk Naylor. (Or vice-versa). English pattern used to imitate Baetis, I believe. Nice tie.
You are correct. The purple crow is a spin off of the Usk Naylor. The Usk Naylor is a great soft hackle pattern that I've caught a lot of fish on.
You won't have any problem finding a starling skin for sale but not sure about finding crow feathers. Crows are pretty smart critters but my property was inundated with a flock of them last winter. I snuck out the back door and knocked one down with the 20 gauge (haven't seen one on the property since). I skinned out and boraxed both wings. Lots of great primary, secondary and covert feathers on those two wings. If I'm fortunate enough to harvest a ruffed grouse this fall I plan on skinning out the entire bird for tying.