Western PA Wild trout and Sandwich Symposium II?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Any interest in getting together again this year? Last year we did a Sat. afternoon in February (if I recall correctly) at Primanti's in Cranberry.

I'm thinking pretty much the same thing for this year. However, a new Primanti's is also now open at the Grove City outlets.


I'm in! cranberry is fine with me, grove city is closer to some of us, further than others. you guys can decide!
I'm interested.
Although my job requires me to work every other weekend.
Might wanna consider having it on a week night?
Cranberry better than Grove City
Either is about the same distance for me, so I'm impartial... but you organize it and I'll make it there.

What weekends work for you? The Saturday afternoon seemed to work great last year, there was no crowd at that time. Primanti's gets packed in the evenings, even worse if there is a Pens game that night.

There could also be fishing opportunities if the weather is decent like it was last year.

In Feb, I'm off the 12th and the 26th
I like the 12th myself
I'm in but I'm working the 5th and valentining with my wife on the 12th. Either of the other two weekends are good. I'm also good with either location. It's all good though.
Either weekend that has been mentioned is good for me!
If it's held the 12th or 26th, count me in.
My buddy Mark, who has attended the spring jams with me, would also likley come.
I,m interested. Kinda partial to The Outlets, but either is fine.
Let me know what you guys decide...chance even if slim I could show up since I work out that way now days...during the week might actually be better for me...
any sat afternoon will work for me
I'm interested. The 12th in Cranberry is better for me, but I'll try to make either way.
I'm likin' the 12th too.
soooo, the 12th seems to work for most, now do we do grove city or cranberry?
I vote cranberry, but I'm in either way
I'd like to do it the 12th also.
And cranberry would be preferable to grove city for me
two votes cranberry, good enough for me.
so, feb 12th, cranberry primantis? should it be written in stone?
Write it in stone. I'll be there. What time?