West Branch Delaware

Excellent balance Kray! Good thing the Y didn't end up floating like your fly box did a couple of times. :)
Anyway. I could see Nick throwing it in once but 3-4 times was uncalled for. Good thing it was waterproof. I liked that the box would hiwater water, float past the boat 10' and then Nick says "hey, your box". LMAO. He's lucky Joe D was at the ramp and found his bag.
I wonder how Joe D ended up on his night float...maybe the mice were productive?
Kray, the private boat was us Friday - right above 191. You were working risers, I didn't realize it was you until we were well past. Looks like you had a good day. Weird day on the river - first time I've fished it when it was on an abrupt rise from the dam release, but we did well on streamers too. Great olive action too. Some of our action is on CCAS Facebook. Our night portion of the float was interesting as always..:)
OK, that was you going behind me at Sands Creek. I was oblivious to the water level. A guy stopped me at Balls Eddy and asked when it jumped up so high. That explains why I could go straight through the riff below Dead Man's.

Tom, I chucked streamers from Hale to Methodist. I had chases the entire way but limited hook ups. The cork on my rod was bloody from my hands. I donated a bunch of skin off my hands that day.

I was floating toward 191 bridge and I saw 10+ fish slashing in that run. Rowed back up and fished to them for 15 minutes. The slashes changed to sips by the time I started casting. I figured that I'd force feed them an Iso which resulted in 2 false rises and that was it. Picked off 2 little guys in the flat below the bridge and then headed to the junction. I saw you guys heading out the end as I got to the middle of the pool. It was pretty quiet until just before it was too dark to see. Snatched one nice rainbow and headed to pick up a pizza from Little Italy.

The conditions were prime and was a little miffed at the number I actually got to the net. Talked to one of the DRC guides and he said they turned 52 fish on streamers that day. With the higher water, bit of a stain and 100% cloud cover / fog, I can believe it.

If you are referring to last Saturday I do kind of remember a couple of fellows standing back where the drift boat trailers park. Yep, I was really moving as I had to drop the boat and run down to Buck to leave the trailer where my friend was waiting with his vehicle.

We put in at noon which was pretty much the worst time to start but I had a commitment with my wife to be back by 6:30 so we could go to the Starlight Inn for dinner.

It rained pretty hard from Shehawken all the way down to Cemetery. My buddy offered to row that day and I was glad to oblige him. He was soaked as was I but when the rain let up in Cemetery I was able to take off the wet rain gear and shirt and put on a new dry shirt and rain gear I keep in the bow storage.

We only saw a few rising fish the entire float and my buddy rose a big rainbow at Knight's but was using 7X and broke off before he even set the hook. When I got back to my cabin Coz was floating by with a client and told me the WB was on fire with little Baetis. Another guy who was renting the cabin next to mine told me the water was covered with duns and there were fish rising everywhere from Sands Creek up to the Methodist Pool.

I'm going back up Friday morning with my wife for five days.
Yep. We had the cluster **** at shehawkan as you were dropping the boat. The water was COVERED with little olive later in the day. We saw them in the flat above DRC all the way through Methodist.
Thought Norm might appreciate this......

Got a text last night at 10pm with this picture. Text from Ines in the motel office reading "Dude is in the house"

Call Mr. Hand, Spicoli has been spotted. :lol:


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Awesome tell him I said hello, at least even if the fishing sucks you know it will be a blast. Enjoy wish I was closer
Next time I'll fish is 4-5 weeks away. I hope to get him to run back up to meet me.
Maybe I can fit it into my schedule, will have to see with hockey and kid's school stuff