Welcome to the new Beginner Forum


Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Welcome to the Beginners Forum. If you brand new to fly fishing, or brushing up on some of the basics? Don’t be shy! Talk to others and ask all your basic fly fishing questions here.

With this new forum I have asked a couple of members I admire to help out. Afishinado and Fishidiot have been long term contributors to the site. Their knowledge, experience and interest to help others in the forums always stands out. They will be a great fit in helping with this forum and very pleased have them here.

So those of you lurking and not sure where to get started please join us here.
I would have taken advantage of this. Easier to wade through here than trying to scrub the whole board for answers.

Who will be the first?

There are not 2 better board members to have moderate this section that Afishinado and Fishidiot. I consider them both to be about the most knowledgeable and most importantly the HELPFUL of all registered members.

Just remember- if you have a question- so do 10 other people.

My take on being new to fly fishing. If you are going it alone it will take you five years to accomplish in what you could do in one season working with an expereinced fly angler.

Good luck and thanks to those 2 guys.
No doubt, if I knew about this site 10-12 years ago I would be miles ahead.

For the most part I was self taught meaning I borrowed many books from the library and purchased a few others about the sport and did a lot of reading.

After the first few years I fly fished, I met only one other person who fly fished. A girlfriend of mine introduced me to her uncle who fly fished for years. Occasionally we'd meet and he drive us to some local Northeast PA stream in his old beat up Subaru wagon.

He took me to a nice spot on the West Branch Delaware, where I watched an eagle slowly gliding, flapping it's wings towards me to grab a trout directly out in front of me. That trout seemed to be just out of casting distance, and the eagle landed on a limb overhanging the water about 75 yards downstream to eat the trout.

Another time we fished well past dusk on a super clear pool on a small stream in the moonlight. You could still see the trout come up off the bottom to take a cahill.

It is great to have people to show you things. Books, although very informational, do not reveal all of the subtleties of fly fishing that experience and aged wisdom tend to offer.
acristickid wrote:
There are not 2 better board members to have moderate this section that Afishinado and Fishidiot. I consider them both to be about the most knowledgeable and most importantly the HELPFUL of all registered members.

Good luck and thanks to those 2 guys.

Spot-on! Dave did a good job selecting these guys for sure.
I agree with the selection as well. I feel like a beginner when I fish with those two. :lol:
I just noticed this forum. Great idea Dave.
I also agree and often look for those 2 guys posts when i need info.

Great selection and idea Dave!
Thanks and I know all the members here will help support them and those asking questions. Should be a lot of fun.


Many thanks for the kind words and votes of confidence and thanks to DaveK, Jack, and Mo for extending the invitation to help out here on PAFF in a bit more formal manner. I look forward to it. I have long felt that this site's viability and success stem in no small measure to the tireless efforts of its moderators to keep it on track. I consider it a privilege to be of assistance in any way I can. I'll let Afishinado speak for himself but I'm sure he feels the same.
In any event, the Beginner's Forum is something of a work in progress but as dkile pointed out in his introduction the intent behind adding this new category was to provide more focus on, and support for, beginners - as well as a place where they can post questions or thoughts without feeling like they might be wasting the time or pestering the old hands.
I have long taken pride in the manner in which so many of our regulars treat newbies. It goes without saying that many internet forum message boards are populated by a breed of poster that treats new posters or subject matter neophytes with disdain and exclusion. We don't do that here at PAFF and I'm proud of all of the board for their collective kindness to new posters and collective willingness to help out beginning FFers or folks new to PA. Gee whiz - guess we shouldn't be surprised how rapidly this board has grown in recent years. 🙂

Anyway, thanks again. Welcome to the Beginner's Forum. Bear with us as we get some of the kinks out. We look forward to your support and continued positive contribution.

Best and TL ("Tight Lines" if you're a beginner. I'll try to avoid acronyms here on the Beginner's Forum),
Dave Weaver
Sounds like a great idea - with 2 very knowledgeable guys to ask advice from.
Sure wish I had something like this when I started out
this is a great idea, i`m sure there are many people wanting to ask that beginner question , but felt a lil awkward going through the different posts and trying to make sense of the different technique`s that we talk about, i know it would have saved me a lot of aggravation
Great idea, guys. I know I will be using this either for reading or occasional posting as I enter my first season.
I declare the forum a success already. It will only grow from this point onward. Thanks for taking on the responsibilities. Now if we can get everyone to give consistent advice....
JackM wrote:
Now if we can get everyone to give consistent advice....

How are you going to acomplish that? Afterall, it's fishing.

Or do you mean constitantly give advice? I'm hoping for that.

Here's to that goal. 😛int:
I am very excited for this forum. It is a welcome mat to our sport and this small community of addicts.