Trip to central PA

Penns gauge has moved up more than I thought it would. 330 cfs at the moment. Thats getting to the bottom end of what I’d call ideal for Penns. I would definitely be doing Penns, given the choice of those 3 streams now for this weekend.
Bottom end for easier wading, I would say.

A note to OP - don't be afraid to fish it if it gets up to ~600, but it will be a bit harder to figure out how to approach it if it's your first time there. If it does get this high, you should begin to use serious caution while wading. However, it doesn't look like it's going to get that high.
Bottom end for easier wading, I would say.

A note to OP - don't be afraid to fish it if it gets up to ~600, but it will be a bit harder to figure out how to approach it if it's your first time there. If it does get this high, you should begin to use serious caution while wading. However, it doesn't look like it's going to get that high.
Thanks for the info,. Had a change of plans so now rolling in Friday evening, probably just going to fish spring because of limited time and it is a lot closer. Saturday I’m definitely going to fish penns, all day. Can I get by with hip waders or should I break out chest waders? Don’t really use chest waders a lot because everything around me is pretty shallow
Thanks for the info,. Had a change of plans so now rolling in Friday evening, probably just going to fish spring because of limited time and it is a lot closer. Saturday I’m definitely going to fish penns, all day. Can I get by with hip waders or should I break out chest waders? Don’t really use chest waders a lot because everything around me is pretty shallow
Use chest waders on Penns. You should use your hippers in Spring though to at least help stop spreading the mud snail. Although, the snail is probably already in Penns.

Still, being proactive is better than not caring.
Thanks for the info,. Had a change of plans so now rolling in Friday evening, probably just going to fish spring because of limited time and it is a lot closer. Saturday I’m definitely going to fish penns, all day. Can I get by with hip waders or should I break out chest waders? Don’t really use chest waders a lot because everything around me is pretty shallow
You could probably make due with hip waders, but will be limited when wading into some of the deeper pools. I would go for the chest waders to avoid limitation.
Use chest waders on Penns. You should use your hippers in Spring though to at least help stop spreading the mud snail. Although, the snail is probably already in Penns.

Still, being proactive is better than not caring.

This. You’ll want chest waders for Penns, especially if it’s at 300 cfs or so. Penns is roughly of similar size to the Little J, for perspective. It’s a large creek, bordering on a small river. Spring is much smaller, maybe 1/3 the size of Penns and Little J. You can get by with hippers on Spring for the most part, though I normally do wear chest waders there too.

Wear your hippers on Spring, then you won’t have to worry about washing anything to fish Penns the next day. Just make sure your hippers completely dry for a couple days before you use them again anywhere else.
Just a heads up also for a Penns first timer…Penns is a relatively hard stream to wade. Lots of slippery boulders that are just the perfectly wrong size…Too big and too numerous to wade around, and too small to safely wade/stand on. Little J in the Gorge section is similar probably, but IMO, Penns is tougher to wade.

At 300-350 cfs-ish, it’s pretty manageable, but be careful. The heavier, deeper runs and riffs can still get pushy at those flows and when coupled with the boulders you can still wade yourself into some tricky spots.

Keep an eye on the gauge, linked below. Anything much over 600 or so I wouldn’t recommend for a first time solo outing, or, just know you need to be smart and cautious and will likely be limited as to where you can safely wade/fish, and the locations where you can safely cross the stream become relatively limited. Meaning you may have to walk a half mile or more to find a spot you can cross.

Penns Gauge
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I will point out this real-life observation, too, since I live very close to Penns. It is still raining here, and right now when I look out the window, it is putting it down pretty good. Who knows, but she might keep rising quite a bit. it is hard to say.
I will point out this real-life observation, too, since I live very close to Penns. It is still raining here, and right now when I look out the window, it is putting it down pretty good. Who knows, but she might keep rising quite a bit. it is hard to say.
Hopefully it doesn’t get too bad. I’m thinking anything over 650 cfs is gonna keep me off. No reason to risk it when spring creek isn’t too bad
In the event that Penns goes up a bunch (I don't think it will - it finally stopped raining here, but who knows), BFC is always my second option. Love that stream when it's high.