Weight forward or Double taper?

I realize that a lot of folks are tight-lining with really long rods that throw really light line weights and in those situations I couldn't even imagine using some of the sub 3" reels I have spooled up with 3 wt lines.

However in my case, with the exception of one 8'6" rod I own that throws a 3wt, most of my 3wts rods are short and any reel heavier than about 2.5 oz feels like a brick on short rod.
Both of my 3 weights are 7' 6", and the 5/6's feel great to me. Not sure exactly what they weigh out too, I've just always preferred a heavier reel.
No. A WF isn’t a mirror image of itself from both ends like a DT. WF only has additional mass at one end. Rest is just running line.

Where are you guys still finding these DT lines? All I see any more is WF, in floating anyway.

I like, and used to buy nothing but, DT’s for the turnaround capability. Double the use for the same price. For Brookie fishing, I’d actually buy a DT, cut it exactly in half, and only put half of it on my Brookie reel at time. (Just don’t forget to pack your regular reel too when you plan to fish a big stream later that evening. Can’t imagine how I know that…)

Anyway, the last line I bought I went WF because I was finding so little DT options.
Dear Swattie,

Cortland still makes DT lines. A 333 would do you wonders offering two lines in one. You can buy them direct or from Flyshack or occasionally from Hook and Hackle.


Tim Murphy :)
I'm stupid but a 10 foot rod to me implies high sticking/tight lining...

If my stupid assumption is correct, does it matter?

If that kind of of fishing was my thing I'd buy a level line and spend my money on cigars or beer... ;)
Dear Bamboozle,

You da man dawg! ;)


Tim Murphy :)
I bought a DT Small Stream line from Cabela's last summer. I haven't really used it much yet though.
Both of my 3 weights are 7' 6", and the 5/6's feel great to me. Not sure exactly what they weigh out too, I've just always preferred a heavier reel.

The longer a rod is, the easier it is to balance and a 7'6" rod is bit longer that what I was alluding to in my previous post.

Every 3wt I own with the exception of the one 8'6" rod I mentioned is between 5'0" and 7'0"
I like DT lines for dry fly fishing. I feel they land softer on the water than a WF line.
5wt and up I use a WF line because I am usually casting father and using heavier flies.
For my nymph rod set up I just use a running line because I very seldom get more than a few feet of line out of the rod tip and I don't need the extra weight of a line sagging my leader,
As for backing I just put on what I need so everything, line and backing, fit the reel.
So I’ve decided to go with the double taper. Thanks for all of the input.
Planning on lining my Lamson reel for a 3 Weight Echo Shadow II 10ft. rod. Should I get a weight forward or double taper? I’m inclined toward the weight forward.
Double tapers are much harder to find. Funny, being as there are an absurd number of line types and tapers. I'm a better-than-average caster and I rarely cast to the back taper of my WF lines when I fish.
People would do better with double taper lines and would be able to switch ends when the one taper gets worn. Probably why they aren't common. You wind that running line on your reel and maybe never see it again. I've had Mastery (what I think now is) XXD. It had a long taper and it fished much like a DT and I and my fishing partner, who is a much better than average caster, liked it a lot.
Double tapers are much harder to find. Funny, being as there are an absurd number of line types and tapers. I'm a better-than-average caster and I rarely cast to the back taper of my WF lines when I fish.
People would do better with double taper lines and would be able to switch ends when the one taper gets worn. Probably why they aren't common. You wind that running line on your reel and maybe never see it again. I've had Mastery (what I think now is) XXD. It had a long taper and it fished much like a DT and I and my fishing partner, who is a much better than average caster, liked it a lot.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread too…DT’s becoming harder and harder to find.

Conspiracy Theory…Do you think the line manufacturers have caught on to people switching ends on DT’s, and thus having to buy new lines less frequently? And therefore they’re pushing and marketing WF’s more?
They are not that hard to find. They definitely are not as prevelant as WF but you can find several different DT line options online very quickly.
They are not that hard to find. They definitely are not as prevelant as WF but you can find several different DT line options online very quickly.

You’re right. But, just 10 years ago you’d go into a fly shop or BPS or Cabelas, and there’d be an entire row of DT’s right next to the WF’s for each brand for each line weight. Last time I was in Cabelas, there literally wasn’t a single DT on the shelf. In my mind, that’s marketing behavior to push a certain product over another.

In the words of Elmer Fudd, “there’s something screwy going on here.” IMO of course. Just from this thread, it’s clear DT’s are still popular and desired, and there’s a market for them. Why aren’t fly shops and big boxes carrying them in store? They’d seemingly sell.
You’re right. But, just 10 years ago you’d go into a fly shop or BPS or Cabelas, and there’d be an entire row of DT’s right next to the WF’s for each brand for each line weight. Last time I was in Cabelas, there literally wasn’t a single DT on the shelf. In my mind, that’s marketing behavior to push a certain product over another.

In the words of Elmer Fudd, “there’s something screwy going on here.” IMO of course. Just from this thread, it’s clear DT’s are still popular and desired, and there’s a market for them. Why aren’t fly shops and big boxes carrying them in store? They’d seemingly sell.
I don't live close enough to a fly shop to regularly shop at one, so I am limited to online shopping when I need stuff.
I don't live close enough to a fly shop to regularly shop at one, so I am limited to online shopping when I need stuff.

It’s just odd. And smells like dollars and cents are behind it, as with most things in life I guess.

I liken it to the car market. The margins for manufacturers, and thus dealers too, albeit to a lesser degree probably, are higher on loaded up, high trim models, especially pickup trucks.

When you go to a dealer all you see are higher end models with lots of added packages on them. If you want a base truck, you can still get one, in theory, but you pretty much are forced to special order it. And then the dealer will kick and scream about using one of their “allocations” on a cheaper model with less of a profit margin, and try to upsell you into something more expensive, if they’ll even order it for you at all.

I had this happen when shopping for my commuter Avalon a couple years ago. I wanted a base XLE model with the V6 engine. Everything on dealer lots were loaded up Limiteds with the hybrid engine. All of my local dealers, including one who I’ve bought several prior vehicles from, told me they weren’t going to burn an allocation on a base model Avalon when they could make more money with that allocation on a loaded up one. Or better yet, a loaded up Tundra or Tacoma. One told me they’d order one, but they wanted a $5k markup on it, to make it comparable to what they’d make on a Limited. And then of course tried to push me into buying one of the Limiteds they already had on the lot. I of course walked. Ended up having to go to Maryland to get one. Hopefully with Covid issues waning and dealers starting to get overloaded with overpriced high end inventory that isn’t selling, some of this nonsense will begin to correct itself.

Back to fly lines…I don’t know the exact reason DT’s are becoming harder to find. But I’m pretty sure it has to do with profit somewhere along the supply chain. “Oh shoot, I need a new fly line, and want to fish today or tomorrow, so I don’t want to wait for one to be shipped.” All they have is WF’s in the store, so that’s what you end up buying.

I’m not a good enough caster to notice a huge difference between WF’s and DT’s for various applications. Nor do I really care. I just know I get way more usable life, and thus save money, with DT’s.
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