Okay folks, as the time is drawing nearer I just wanted to revisit this and let people know all are welcome.
Breakfasts will be cooked and provided in the early mornings (time dependent and can't say for sure) and will include eggs, sausage, pancakes, etc. Dinners will be provided and will definitely not occur until after the evening bite, so dang near dark probably. Dinner will probably be burgers, sausages, sweet corn, etc. Lunches will be whatever and whoever is around camp at the time. Anyone is free and willing to bring snacks/side dishes to share but I will buy and provide enough food for the breakfasts and two dinners, both Friday. I would, however, like to get a firm number on who will be here so I can plan appropriately. Remember, showers and flush bathrooms available, so if you want to bathe bring a towel, etc. Also, a refrigerator is also available, but coolers are a good idea, too.
I've got the definite poeople as :
Dave W, Tom (afishinado), HopBack, Ken (I hope that you do make it), and wetfly. PCray, come on now, I have been a pretty active member of this forum for quite a while now, I think you need to make it up since we have never met. Do I have to bribe you? I'm just teasing, but I hope you can make it for a bit.
Anyone else interested please chime in.