Wanted: Power Fishing Rod Wrapping Machine and Supplies



New member
Jun 22, 2017
Im looking for a quality powered fishing rod wrapper and supplies. Im looking for a used system like ALPS, Dale Clemens, or similar. I have been building rods for some time (not selling) and have the hand tools, I want upgrade to a powered system. PM me if you may have something. Thanks. Jesse
No replies yet, still looking for power rod wrapper.
I wouldn't mind one myself
I can't help, however, I'd suggest putting a "WTB" post on your local Craigslist.

Last year, I decided that I wanted to try building rods, and wanted to gear up.

I posted a "Wanted" ad, and had at least three people respond. All said they had tried it, maybe built a couple rods, lost interest, and the equipment was just sitting.

I bought a manual wrapper until I know for sure, but at least one of the guys mentioned that he had just sold his power equipment as well.

A whole lot more people look at Craigslist than this board, so you'll get much wider exposure.

Good luck!
Suggest you register and post a WTB on the rodbuilding.org site. Many pro and skilled amateur builders frequent rodbuilding.


Thanks guys, those are the next step, and I do hit those sites on a fairly regular basis. I was hoping to find something local to me. Craigslist is next....
Finding someone advertising it on Craigslist might be a long shot, but don't be afraid to post a "Wanted" ad.

Lots of guys have stuff laying around not being used, and out of mind, they just need a little kick in the butt sometimes to make them realize they'd rather have a few dollars in their pocket and clear out some space on the bench.