Walmart Flies?

I don't think the Walmarts near me sell flies...interesting. shop around and you can find deals. Before I started tying I bought from decent quality, and I definitely caught trout with them, both dries and nymphs. If you have the means, I suggest you learn to tie. Nothing more rewarding than catching a trout on a fly you tied yourself!
It depends... i probably have 1000+ easily in tying materials over the years and probably only tie a few dozen of anything decent... wait nm my flies look like crap... i end up buying online and at the shops when im out... unless you get out to fish a lot and have the time to invest in tying i'd stick with online for basics/nymphs and local for your more finicky patterns
Orvis is still doing the 10 for 10 deal aren't they? not bad...

before I started tying, I always bought my emergers from them. The LL Bean catalog didn't look too bad.

I must have the mecca of wal-marts here in Indiana Co.

Madison River tied flies, cheap, reliable fairplay tapered leaders for $1.96, Stocked up on 15, which will last me two years at least. Stay the f. away from fairplay tippet though.
stevehalupka wrote:
Stay the f. away from fairplay tippet though.

I routinely use it, only problem is unwet knots slip.