

Active member
Sep 16, 2006
I think that his two friends are going to take one for the team and say that it was all them and he had nothing to do with it . This going to happen as they both get a large some of money from a anonymous sender........... :-?
Interesting topic for a fly fishing forum. That said, fly fishers do tend to be dog lovers.

I've heard that the scum that participates in dog fighting often train their dogs to kill on stolen family pets. I don't know if there's any truth to that, but but the thought of that happening to my dog makes me sick.

Frankly, Vick should be suspended regardless of whethher he is found guilty. There's no reason for the NFL to be held to the same standard as the government (reasonable doubt). Considering their salaries, is it too much to ask that players behave with a modicum of decency?
I agree Ian, what Vick did is sick. I think everyone can see through his lies. I hope he can never play football again.
There's no reason for the NFL to be held to the same standard as the government (reasonable doubt). Considering their salaries, is it too much to ask that players behave with a modicum of decency?

It would be nice but that would mean that he's guilty until proven inocent and he would have a nice lawsuit and get more money he dosen't deserve ....... JackM this one is right down your alley :-D
SlumpBuster wrote:
I agree Ian, what Vick did is sick. I think everyone can see through his lies. I hope he can never play football again.

While I have picked a side on this yet...I have not heard Vick say anything one way or the other that could be taken as truth or lie. I also think he is presumed innocent until proven guilty. And, the NFL policy punishes players for being arrested...not convicted. That is much harsher than you or I. They can appeal and if acquitted, have a pretty good case for their "League Punishment" to be overturned.

If he did do it he should be punished...and his employers have every right, but no obligation, to deal with him as they see fit.

I won't speak for JackM, but knowing that he is a former public defender, I would be willing to bet that he plays heavily on the Due Process playing out before we hang him version.
Tom & Fred,

I disagree only in that the NFL is not the government, and therefore is not subject to the same restrictions. Clearly, in court Vick is entitled to to a presumption of innocence and due process, and the government must make its case beyond a reasonable doubt. And the NFL is free to adopt these standards.

My point is that individuals and private entities should not be held to the same standards as the government. For example, businesses can require drug tests as a condition of hiring, effectively presuming prospective employees guilty until proven innocent. Similarly, most of us would not leave our children with an indicted child molester, even after a jury found him innocent.

Pro Athletes often get in trouble with their teams and the leagues without criminal convictions. My beloved Iggles suspended TO for being obnoxious. Another player, whose name escapes me, was suspended for stomping on someone during a game, even though he was never charged with assault. Pacman Jones was suspended for being indicted, and many players have been suspended for failing drug tests.

I'm a bleeding heart lefty, and I think the government should be held to a very high standard when it seeks to convict someone. However, it is ridiculous for private citizens to hold themselves to the same standard.
If anything was done to violate players rules of conduct than yes suspend him but if they don't have any concrete evidence to support thier findings then no I don't think they can or should be able to suspend him ,don't forget they have a union with very good lawyers that will fight till there last lie :-D On a personal note if he did do it I hope that he never plays again and the local goverments burns him to the fullest extent and makes an example out of him ....... :-x
I will say this: it never sounds fair to me to punish someone who may be innocent, so punishing Vick because the government chose to charge him with a crime is troublesome. That said, if they have access to information leading them to believe that he violated the law in such a serious way, then they are justified in taking action against him, such as suspension or whatever, though he should be given an opportunity to answer to whatever evidence they rely upon to suspend him. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is never required in civil matters and any disciplinary action by the team or league would be civil rather than criminal. A preponderance of the evidence might suffice.
All i have to say is OJ,he has the money so he's gonna walk free as a bird!!
Are these for real??
Well the really cheap ones are preseason.

For the regular season, the incredibly cheap ones are parking passes.

If that's what you're getting at....
OJ was in Calaphoneynia, home of the govanator, a little different ballgame out there. Ex.. Jacko was sent free??
Vick's world is about to go to the dogs(pun attended!!)! The Feds have found enough evidence and they have a 95% conVICKion rate. All the $$ isn't going to do him any good, they just convicted Scooter Libby and he had the Bush and Cheney in his back pocket.
Yeah but Libby mind you was pardonend from his jail sentence, I'm sure someone would have found him as a great cell mate! LOL