JackM wrote:
I was about to observe that this thread had turned the corner on a positive trajectory.


As for the truck chasers, after dumping the fish into the pools, I'd lob some large rocks in there to "disperse" the fish, and yes, to **** off the slobs that wouldn't help.

A little story, blizzard of 93, we were skiing at 7 springs that weekend, got 48 inches of snow that night(slept in sleeping bags in a hallway!) Next morning, got up to ski, but we got to the first lift to find the attendant digging it out, it had drifted in. he told us it would open alot sooner if he had some help, we never hesitated, grabbed shovels and got that thing going after 45 minutes of shoveling. I could see most of todays youth just going meh and going back inside to play on their phones. We didn't mind a bit of work to get to the goods!
In other words, they could of, and should of, offered to help carry buckets of fish. They may have even learned a thing or two. I see examples of idiot raised children on a daily basis. Thankfully, there are still a handful of good ones, we can only hope those are the ones that raise to the top! The idiot ones can join our presidents newly formed "space force"!!LOL!
bikerfish wrote:
Thankfully, there are still a handful of good ones, we can only hope those are the ones that raise to the top! The idiot ones can join our presidents newly formed "space force"!!LOL!

The Russians have had a space force for decades, its a sub branch of their military, what's your point? Why would he hope idiots volunteer for military branches, that seems like a pretty nasty thing to say, maybe I'm missing something.
because I think the space force is a bit far fetched. All I can picture is the martian from bugs bunny.

Guess I better go fishing.
SOME kids suck. They didn't get that way by birth alone. I still see lots of they holding down jobs and being productive. Some qtips suck,not me. LOL GG
qtips!!!! LOL!!!!
bikerfish wrote:
JackM wrote:
I was about to observe that this thread had turned the corner on a positive trajectory.


As for the truck chasers, after dumping the fish into the pools, I'd lob some large rocks in there to "disperse" the fish, and yes, to **** off the slobs that wouldn't help.

A little story, blizzard of 93, we were skiing at 7 springs that weekend, got 48 inches of snow that night(slept in sleeping bags in a hallway!) Next morning, got up to ski, but we got to the first lift to find the attendant digging it out, it had drifted in. he told us it would open alot sooner if he had some help, we never hesitated, grabbed shovels and got that thing going after 45 minutes of shoveling. I could see most of todays youth just going meh and going back inside to play on their phones. We didn't mind a bit of work to get to the goods!
In other words, they could of, and should of, offered to help carry buckets of fish. They may have even learned a thing or two. I see examples of idiot raised children on a daily basis. Thankfully, there are still a handful of good ones, we can only hope those are the ones that raise to the top! The idiot ones can join our presidents newly formed "space force"!!LOL!

Reminded me of when we first moved to North Caroline. Same year and storm I think. Storm of the century, which was Dolly's first weekend in NC.

Anyway, we got 23 inches of snow at the fleebag motel we were staying at. And of course, since that was NC, they didn't know how to handle snow. Me being from NWPA, my instinct was to grab a shovel. I went to the Motel office and borrowed one. They looked at me funny, but provided a warn out snow shovel. I shoveled out both of my cars and much of the driveway so that I could get out onto the road. I even broke trail for his S-10 Blazer with my Ford Escort.

I didn't get so much as a thank-you from them. So much for Southern hospitality.

A few days later I asked them for something. I can't remember what it was, but it was no big deal. By this time I had been there nearly 2 months. They were very rude to us so Dolly and I went looking for a different place. A couple hours later we were back to check out, and they were sure to charge us for an extra day.

People suck. Some more than others.
gulfgreyhound wrote:
SOME kids suck. They didn't get that way by birth alone.

Shhh Art!!! Don't let the secret out of the bag. Too fun to rail on "kids these days", but never to rail against the "parents" who raised them to be what they are...
It seams that a greater number of kids of today, if they don't get immediate satisfaction they give up.

So in stocking of trout that might take several hours and several buckets worth of work, they would be worried that they might drop their phone in the water. Never wanting to experience hands being cold/wet/wrinkly and purple, or touching a slimy trout.

If they could just find a way to electronically stock all our problems would be solved!
Drone stocking.? GG
The_Sasquatch wrote:
gulfgreyhound wrote:
SOME kids suck. They didn't get that way by birth alone.

Shhh Art!!! Don't let the secret out of the bag. Too fun to rail on "kids these days", but never to rail against the "parents" who raised them to be what they are...

There are still a lot of good ones out there. My glass is always more than half full. Most(99.99) of our family and friends the 20 somethings work. Those apples and the trees they fell from. GG
You would get volunteers for that. (drone stocking).

I should copyright that idea? Need an engineer to design a bucket with a release system and a drone hook up. Amazon will get in on this . GG
SmoothOperator wrote:
First off let me start out by telling you it is my observation , that the majority of today's young uns' are just plain lazy losers......going thru life one day at a time.....NO JOB , NO CAR/TRANSPORTATION and no respect for anything...... Hell , I had a car and a job at 16 so I could " date" and go fishing.....These goofs live at home into their 30's , no job or prospect of a job and stay up till all hours of the night playing video games......I've observed 1st hand a guy begging his "buddy" for a job ( worker at my factory) and after about a week of carting his "arse" back and forth to work he just up and quits!!!!!! Didn't even have enough courage to tell his buddy who helped him out......?????? And you think they're going to do something conservative /civic minded ???????? Ha-Ha ...too funny !!!!!

The current generation didn't raise itself.

Or maybe it did.
PennKev wrote:
SmoothOperator wrote:
First off let me start out by telling you it is my observation , that the majority of today's young uns' are just plain lazy losers......going thru life one day at a time.....NO JOB , NO CAR/TRANSPORTATION and no respect for anything...... Hell , I had a car and a job at 16 so I could " date" and go fishing.....These goofs live at home into their 30's , no job or prospect of a job and stay up till all hours of the night playing video games......I've observed 1st hand a guy begging his "buddy" for a job ( worker at my factory) and after about a week of carting his "arse" back and forth to work he just up and quits!!!!!! Didn't even have enough courage to tell his buddy who helped him out......?????? And you think they're going to do something conservative /civic minded ???????? Ha-Ha ...too funny !!!!!

The current generation didn't raise itself.

Or maybe it did.

The_Sasquatch wrote:
PennKev wrote:
SmoothOperator wrote:
First off let me start out by telling you it is my observation , that the majority of today's young uns' are just plain lazy losers......going thru life one day at a time.....NO JOB , NO CAR/TRANSPORTATION and no respect for anything...... Hell , I had a car and a job at 16 so I could " date" and go fishing.....These goofs live at home into their 30's , no job or prospect of a job and stay up till all hours of the night playing video games......I've observed 1st hand a guy begging his "buddy" for a job ( worker at my factory) and after about a week of carting his "arse" back and forth to work he just up and quits!!!!!! Didn't even have enough courage to tell his buddy who helped him out......?????? And you think they're going to do something conservative /civic minded ???????? Ha-Ha ...too funny !!!!!

The current generation didn't raise itself.

Or maybe it did.

. You probably have a point there.....Raised 2 girls who after going thru college are out on their own..... Both have boyfriends who they say " have to step up their game" ( for various reasons) before they will get in a serious relationship with them.....
You guys realize that old people have always talked about younger generations like this,right?
>>You guys realize that old people have always talked about younger generations like this,right?>>

That may well be, but I never remember any of it really being true until the last 10-12 years or so after I hit my mid 50's. Now, it is so obvious that I can't believe how blind I once was...:)
shakey wrote:
You guys realize that old people have always talked about younger generations like this,right?


Adam and Eve after Cain slew Abel:

"Kids these days."
