The day there were only 4 of us, as I had previously posted. We took too much of the truck drivers time float stocking as he had get back to the hatchery, it was decided to dump all remaining fish at the road to nowhere bridge. That was a LOT of fish in one spot. Someones catch rate went up after that stocking.
tracker12 wrote:
Did you ask the boy's to please help?

Which boys are you referring to?

Next time I will be busting chops.
I never helped stock except at the request of a co-op. I observed all the anglers who got wind of the stocking to be sitting stream-side waiting for a bucket to be dumped. I probably made 6 trips from the nursery to the stream and the folks running the show seemed to be more interested in putting fish in THEIR favorite run. Nothing seemed right, so I haven't participated in this event for a few years.

That said, I enjoyed the Little J cleanup twice.
Would ir violate anyone's rights if I brought someone along while stocking to video/YouTube the onlooking freeloaders?

The PFBC guys will generally coach the guys stocking to give them a gentle toss from waist height from the bucket into the water as opposed to just pouring them in. Gives the fish a startle to help the acclimate quicker.

The guys in the truck are working on a clock. Both for their salary and driving limitations, but also for the fish’s sake. Nearing the end of the stockings I’ve been a part of sometimes the fish are struggling, especially the larger ones. They did the same thing one time and made the decision to get the fish off the truck. The spot we were at got about 3 or 4 spots worth as the last few holes we typically stock didn’t get any that year. Better than watching them float downstream at the last few spots we didn’t get to though.
Would ir violate anyone's rights if I brought someone along while stocking to video/YouTube the onlooking freeloaders?

No, there is no expectation of privacy in that regard when you're in a public space.
When we float stock, I taught the others to grab both ends of the barrel and rock it back and forth to give the fish fresh oxygenated water as we walk. It seems to work well, and is especially critical when the barrel is fully loaded. I don't think we lost a single fish in the past 2 years. We also turn over fish that are upside down in the barrel.
Having never witnessed a stocking it just sounds ridiculous. I can't get the image of a circus on a river out of mind, complaining customers included.
The solution is pretty simple when this happens and I've seen in a lot. You just don't stock anywhere near where they are. If they are all near a popular pool then you carry your buckets someplace that they are not. You wanna see a bunch of fisherman get steamed just do that and you'll hear more grumbling then you can imagine.
I remember when I was in college and helped stock. When I saw people standing along the bank waiting for the truck I waded way out to dump the bucket in then waded around in the hole to at least try to spread them out or spook everything. If you want to catch fish freshly dumped in from the truck purchase your own bucket and put them in your bathtub. That's how it sort of is on a lot of streams.
I stocked a few trout over the years. My experiences are mostly limited to float stocking Loyalhanna with Forbes Trail TU. Yes plenty of guys waiting at the popular holes, but we never lacked enough help to get the fish from the truck into the boxes and raft.

And the raft was key, because those deep holes, I'd just hang off the side of the raft and float thru them. Dunno if we used life jackets or not but technically that would be required.

One year, I recall, FTTU sold stocking buttons to pay for supplemental fish. (Loyalhanna is a typical put and take fishery, with DHAFLO section) Our then President float stocked with me, and sold buttons to the guys as we passed by.

"Want this big rainbow in your hole? $3.00 for a button, I can make that happen." LOL

There's always going to be guys who just line up waiting for their fish. You won't change that with dirty looks, ball busting, or a 2x4. They were raised to not think of anyone but themselves. Its probably best to try and not get worked up over it, you're the only one whos suffer for it. They're sort of like those kayakers, they just don't give a damn.

I thought the first stocking was done prior to the Season opener. Normally the Penny Pack creek is done several days in advance - and I have caught some fishing prior to the season opening. One guy thought it was ok since he was catch and release.
This year it was done at 4:00 p.m. that Friday. I don't get home until 6:00 p.m. So I missed it.

Another important day to remember is the "Park Cleanup Day", Nature will thank you for it :)
No amount of venting, vengeance, or threats will change the minds of the me-first crowd. Stock with the attitude of doing it for those that appreciate (or at least marginally appreciate) the stocking. There are far more important things in life to be bent out of shape about than fishing slobs. Because they are going to exist and are going to act the way they do, whether you want them to or not.
Smike wrote:
Next time just ask them if they want you to leave the fish on the ground next to them.

It would make them easier to put on the stringer.
Ahhh good ol stocking. Brings the classiest folks out. I look forward to these first couple opening weeks. The best are the folks who hang on the boat ramps to fish and get angry when you launch your boat because you are disturbing "their fish." Literally have people shaking their heads in disgust at me simply for launching my boat. It's hysterical.
FarmerDave wrote:
Smike wrote:
Next time just ask them if they want you to leave the fish on the ground next to them.

It would make them easier to put on the stringer.

The full-service stocker would place the fish on the stringer for the angler. That's second-rate service to just lay them on the ground next to them. It might cause the fish slime to come off.
salmonoid wrote:
No amount of venting, vengeance, or threats will change the minds of the me-first crowd. Stock with the attitude of doing it for those that appreciate (or at least marginally appreciate) the stocking. There are far more important things in life to be bent out of shape about than fishing slobs. Because they are going to exist and are going to act the way they do, whether you want them to or not.


You are correct. Now that my head has been cleared of some anger and frustration, it comes back to why I never vented on them in the first place. The only one the anger would hurt is me. Thanks for the reminder!
I was referring to the kids on the bank that said they were there to fish. I have helped stocking on several occasions and have often asked bystanders to help with the stocking. Most don't even know they can help. Now if they are just lazy and say no just here to fish then oh well. People never cease to amaze me on how they become all about "Me". I have stopped letting it bother me long long ago. Bi$%Hing can be contagious so aI avoid it a all times.
First off let me start out by telling you it is my observation , that the majority of today's young uns' are just plain lazy losers......going thru life one day at a time.....NO JOB , NO CAR/TRANSPORTATION and no respect for anything...... Hell , I had a car and a job at 16 so I could " date" and go fishing.....These goofs live at home into their 30's , no job or prospect of a job and stay up till all hours of the night playing video games......I've observed 1st hand a guy begging his "buddy" for a job ( worker at my factory) and after about a week of carting his "arse" back and forth to work he just up and quits!!!!!! Didn't even have enough courage to tell his buddy who helped him out......?????? And you think they're going to do something conservative /civic minded ???????? Ha-Ha ...too funny !!!!!
I was about to observe that this thread had turned the corner on a positive trajectory.