Un-named trib to un-named trib



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
I went fishing yesterday on a stream I've been wanting to fish for years. It runs a long way through back country and is an AMD victim that is recovering. The stream may even be a Class A stream, and was surveyed for the first time last year.
I've included a few pics.


  • 13 inch brookie.jpg
    13 inch brookie.jpg
    127.9 KB · Views: 21
  • Rhodadendron in bloom.jpg
    Rhodadendron in bloom.jpg
    266.8 KB · Views: 6
  • AMD Creek 7-9-2013.jpg
    AMD Creek 7-9-2013.jpg
    110.9 KB · Views: 5
Now THAT'S a brookie. Nice fish!
Awesome fish and great pictures. Looks like it's recovering just fine.
That's a good sized stream for being an UNT to an UNT. And that's a slaunch of a Brookie. Very nice.
Agreed. That's one heck of a trib to a trib. Beautiful stream and fish!
Very cool! The chance to explore and experience a stream like that makes it all worth while. Simply beautiful!
Thats a nice stream, and a heck of a brookie. I fished a stream after class on tuesday in eastern cambria county that's on the wild trout list, but also suffers from AMD. it has a 2 sq. mile strip mine w/ some sort of passive treatment system at its headwaters, and the stream was a faint creamish color with orangish rocks. Even though it looked pretty bad, i fished it anyway. i didnt see any fish at all, and lifted about 30 rocks in all different habitats and found zero aquatic insects. i dont know how this stream is on the WT list if there is no food in it. I'll have to try further down in the watershed.
I know of a couple small, steep recovering headwater AMD streams that have just about no life in them other than Brookies...and Brookies are definitely the only fish species in them. The Brookies in these streams tend to run pretty small (5-6" is the biggest I've ever seen) but they exist by eating a diet nearly entirely of terrestrial insects.
Chaz, that's a beautiful native right there! I see the rhodos are in bloom, I'll have to fish my fav wild brown/rhodo stream this weekend.

Oh, aren't you going to tell us where that beautiful (UNT) native stream is located? lol
How about the County, that seems innocent enough?
Chaz would never burn his own streams.
I'm not sure if it's been added yet to the Nat. Repro list yet. All I'll say is it's in the Anthracite coal region.
Things brookies eat in those streams are in many cases terrestrials, other fish(brookies), and aquatic insects if there are any. This stream had some. Other streams in the region have been being monitored for some time and the brookies have been found with stomachs full of aphids, milipedes, hoppers, and other terrestrials.
SBecker wrote:
Chaz would never burn his own streams.
The point everyone but you missed. Post such messages on an open forum is ridiculous, because it really isn't what the forum is about.
I like that you lied about it not being named. I would name it for you, but that would not be fair to others that would prefer to keep it nameless.
Chaz wrote:
The point everyone but you missed. Post such messages on an open forum is ridiculous, because it really isn't what the forum is about.

Chaz wrote:
Is this stream on public land? If so WHY is it so important to not name it, you're not man enough to take heat from a couple of A-holes that think you shouldn't name any stream?
If it's on private land why even post it?

I'd like to go in there and check out some really great brook trout fishing, and this one sounds great.

Chaz wrote:
And another thing I'm more than willing to share info with anyone that asks, but only in a pm.

I'm asking, PM me please.
I think the way it works gary is if you want the info you pm him for it. and if he feels you are worthy he will share. At least thats my understanding of how secret spot burning works. You can't demand it openly even with sugar on top.
He knows.
But when someone else leaves the ladle in the pot, I've never known him to resist the urge to go stir it a little. ;-)
wow look at the tail on that thing !
Maurice wrote:
I think the way it works gary is if you want the info you pm him for it. and if he feels you are worthy he will share. At least thats my understanding of how secret spot burning works. You can't demand it openly even with sugar on top.


I gotta say, I'm kinda confused.. I mean...

Chaz wrote:
I don't name streams because guys that make all these posts about streams they've fished and refuse to name streams don't deserve info from me.

That's why I won't share anything, its clearly everyone else's fault.

Why, with that said, I've only stopped sharing stream names recently because of the lack of cooperation on the board. For the first [d]16[/d] 7.5 years this board has been [d]online[/d] part of my regular reading I shared freely.

(that's more Chaz-isms, btw).

Anyways, I'm still waiting for my PM. I asked nicely, according to his rules, that's what was required.

Squaretail wrote:
But when someone else leaves the ladle in the pot, I've never known him to resist the urge to go stir it a little

I don't know what you're talking about..? I'm just trying to return the forum to open communication where people will gladly share informaiton back and forth. Heck, back in ye olde days, when Little_Lehigh and I were fresh faced users here with nary a chip on our shoulders or a grudge to hold used to ask one of the sage elders of the greater Lehigh Valley on some local advice, and he would always freely and with great gusto encourage us to explore and fish after a storm.

Because, y'know, people used to share so much more before those tight lipped guys showed up and ruined everything.

I'll wait for the PM, Chaz. Thanks for being helpful!

(also, Squaretail, one of the highlights of past jams was witnessing your dogs bark endlessly at fish, and I've been denied me that two years running now, and i'm kinda sad)
