Trout Unlimited Involvement



Oct 12, 2009
As many of you know, TU is our strongest advocate for trout and cold water fisheries. TU is also on the front lines of protecting, restoring and enhancing local streams through its chapters and state councils. Many of the streams that receive attention on PAFLYFISH are better fisheries due to TU chapter efforts. These chapters may have many members, but generally, only a handful of dedicated members are active. Imagine what we could accomplish if more folks became active members of their local chapters.
Agree, but find this as a strange first post on the sight.
ryansheehan wrote:
Agree, but find this as a strange first post on the sight.

Gotta at least give them that he/she is dedicated enough to the TU cause to sign up for an account. There's that. Plus I think we all like cold water.
PSH wrote:
As many of you know, TU is our strongest advocate for trout and cold water fisheries. TU is also on the front lines of protecting, restoring and enhancing local streams through its chapters and state councils. Many of the streams that receive attention on PAFLYFISH are better fisheries due to TU chapter efforts. These chapters may have many members, but generally, only a handful of dedicated members are active. Imagine what we could accomplish if more folks became active members of their local chapters.


And think what more could be accomplished if more PA flyfishers were TU members.

The number of PA TU members is about 12,000.

I read somewhere a rough estimate that there were 80,000 flyfishers in PA.

If that number is accurate, then the percentage of PA flyfishers who are TU members is about 15%.

When PA TU recommends to the PFBC and the commissioners to shift hatchery trout away from native brook trout and wild brown trout streams to other waters, it would have more impact if the number of members was 40,000 rather than 12,000.

Just to mention, not his first post. He registered in 2009. Sometime in the past year, all post counts reset, so he probably was just away for awhile.

When I speak to individuals regarding their organization I often wonder about the number of active members, not just the number of dues paying members. There is a big difference in most cases.
Penns Woods West Chapter frequently mentions they have one of the highest member counts, but the 2 stream projects I attended in the past few years, was the same 10 guys doing all the work and another 20 guys standing around.

I'd love to live near and belong to the Spring Creek chapter. They seem to get stuff done, and frequently...
DanL wrote:
Just to mention, not his first post. He registered in 2009. Sometime in the past year, all post counts reset, so he probably was just away for awhile.

Not doubting anything he said, it's all true. It's just a strange post regardless if it's your first post back after a year or first post ever, imho. I wouldn't get back on a sight after being inactive for a while and post about what others are not doing for TU that I AM. In fact, I don't think I would post that at all. I am one of those people who is a TU member but is in no way active in its projects or meetings. There are no wild trout in my part of Virginia. The local chapter is very interested in stocking a local creek that turns 90 degrees in August . That is fine by me but not FOR me, I would rather not fish than do that. I'm sure they do good things as well but there are not viable cold water streams within an hour and a half where I live. Two kids and a single income family makes little free time for me. When I do get free time it's normally last minute plans that allow me to fish. I'm sure I will catch some grief for this and that's fine, I support TU how/when I can. So....let the chastising begin.
Glad you are supporting TU how/when you can. Its a good thing to do. My post wasn't aimed at you personally and it is more than understandable that, given your circumstances, you do not have much time to participate in TU activities. The purpose of the post was to encourage those who do have the time, to get involved.
Also, I did not realize that there was a protocol for when, if ever someone can post on PAFLYFISH concerning TU involvement.
Quote : I support TU how/when I can. So....let the chastising begin.

I wasn't going there at all, sorry if you inferred differently that I was judging you in any way. I was just noting the peculiar post count reset this year.

I'm in the same boat as you with other time commitments. I can't get to meetings timely so I throw my $50 or whatever a year to them, and do what I can on weekends, but rarely.
Ironically, this was something that was just on my mind as well. Last night I gave a presentation to a local chapter, as I have done for several other chapters throughout the state. They all seem to have the same problem. That is, only about 5% of the membership is active. As stated above, some members just can't find the free time to attend meetings or work events, others just chose not to make the time. It would be nice if there were more active members, as many small chapters struggle to implement their vision due to low participation. The other side of the coin though, is a least those that are not active, continue to care enough to renew their membership/donate "for the cause". That is better than doing nothing at all, which is the approach a lot of anglers take.

There are also those who have issues with some of TU's, especially TU national's, policies. As a long time active member, I am in that group, but came to the realization a long time ago that you are never going to agree with all policies, and you can work to try and change those that don't make any sense. Ultimately, they do way more good for the resource.
wjkosmer wrote:
Ironically, this was something that was just on my mind as well. Last night I gave a presentation to a local chapter, as I have done for several other chapters throughout the state. They all seem to have the same problem. That is, only about 5% of the membership is active.

That is true.

And I think it's true of just about all organizations, not just TU.

I don't see anything wrong with the OP. If you read the OP you'll see that there is nothing attacking in it at all.

Just a good reminder for members of TU to help out when they can. To which I'd add if you're not a member, please join.

As some have already said, if you don't have time to volunteer much, it's still a big help to be a member.

When a group talks to an agency or a legislator, does it make a difference if their membership is 30 vs 300 vs 3000 vs 30,000?

Oh yeah. Of course it does.
DanL wrote:
Quote : I support TU how/when I can. So....let the chastising begin.

I wasn't going there at all, sorry if you inferred differently that I was judging you in any way. I was just noting the peculiar post count reset this year.

I'm in the same boat as you with other time commitments. I can't get to meetings timely so I throw my $50 or whatever a year to them, and do what I can on weekends, but rarely.

Did not take your post any other way than it was written, just quoted yours for the first part of my post. I did not think you were busting me chops. I wrote that(let the chastising begin) because I'm fully aware that what I wrote would be a minority view. This sight has great information and conversation, I'm okay with being judged and ridiculed a little bit, it helps open my eyes to other points of view.
The one thing I would suggest to TU leaders on this site. Don't just talk about volunteer opportunities during the meetings. Have a social media strategy, Facebook, email, whatever, so that I know how I can help with boots on the ground.

A few years ago, my chapter's stream restoration project was sent via email the night before they were doing it. Kind of hard to tell the wife "hey, sorry about those plans, need to cancel it for this once a year project that I just found out about, that I probably should have known about for months had I been to the meetings".

They can start by dumping the trash cans along the walk path on Penns creek poe paddy to weikart were overflowing with garbage.

Oh and It's still overflowing they must have more important things to do.
Hook_Jaw wrote:

Oh and It's still overflowing they must have more important things to do.

Contact them and volunteer to help clean them out. They'd probably appreciate the help.

Thank you, Troutbert. Hook_Jaw might not be aware that TU chapters consist of volunteers, not paid municipal sanitation workers. Cleaning up the trash cans along The creek sounds like a great project for Hook_Jaw to volunteer to lead. I am pretty sure he will get lots of help from local TU chapters, if he asks.
PSH and troutbert obviously the TU chapter doesn't care or it would of already been done.

If I would of put the cans there I would dump them wasn't my idea and the people's idea it was is their responsibility to maintain it not not mine.

It's my choice to say and do what I want If I want to join a TU chapter I will If I don't that's my choice.

I already contacted the RB Winter, Penns Creek, and Spring creek chapters about it and left messages several times so don't act you know what your talking about.

DCNR obviously dpesn't care either they are through there many times and can be seen by anyone going through that area.

I don't care if they are paid or not do you want trash all over the ground and blowing around? I don't think you just blow off because anyone thinks different then you.

I don't need a lecture about how I should pick the trash up that's the job of the people who decided they wanted to put them there not me!
Hookjaw, exactly how entitled are you?