Trout Unlimited Involvement

Hook_Jaw wrote:
You can call It whatever you'd like I stated the facts I don't care If you like It or not. I told him the same thing I said on here.

As for helping them I did not offer to help as I'm not part of Trout Unlimited or do I care to be.

Troutbert I want you to go contact your local borough and go pick up all the trash around your community. Then after that you can clean the johns at your community center.

You don't care to join trout unlimited, nor care to help them. But you expect them to take care of stream issues for your benefit. Makes sense.
Just when you thought the rain has stopped.....
I never asked them to do anything. I certainly don't need trash cans along the stream for my benefit.

Please tell me what they've done to improve Penns creek?

You'll need more then a umbrella.
If it involves a dog grabbing my butt I'm out
The OP was about volunteering for TU.

Then Hook Jaw posted:

Post 15: "They can start by dumping the trash cans along the walk path on Penns creek poe paddy to weikart were overflowing with garbage.

Post 16: Oh and It's still overflowing they must have more important things to do."

Does anyone else see this thread as a black eye? I mean the irony on both sides is hard to ignore.
Hook_Jaw wrote:
PSH and troutbert obviously the TU chapter doesn't care or it would of already been done.

If I would of put the cans there I would dump them wasn't my idea and the people's idea it was is their responsibility to maintain it not not mine.

It's my choice to say and do what I want If I want to join a TU chapter I will If I don't that's my choice.

I already contacted the RB Winter, Penns Creek, and Spring creek chapters about it and left messages several times so don't act you know what your talking about.

DCNR obviously dpesn't care either they are through there many times and can be seen by anyone going through that area.

I don't care if they are paid or not do you want trash all over the ground and blowing around? I don't think you just blow off because anyone thinks different then you.

I don't need a lecture about how I should pick the trash up that's the job of the people who decided they wanted to put them there not me!

It is a mistaken assumption to think that it is Trout Unlimited's duty to clean up trash. It is trail users who have the duty, no matter what the use is to keep things clean. Trout Unlimited does do clean-ups along streams, but the primary focus is to Conserve, Protect, Restore, and Reconnect cold water streams and their habitat, not pick up other peoples trash. It's mostly public land, with some private. The landowners have always had a contentious relationship with the trail users. Trash is an issue. If you have an issue with the trash along the trail you should call DCNR and volunteer to organize and clean up or remind DNCR that they need to pick up the trash in the cans.
Not rant about something TU is not doing.
Salv, I agree and think the thread should just be deleted. Started out as a very simple post an then just went far over-board...
Chaz I also said dcnr played a part in this as they are in that area as they are in the area in vehicles capable of dumping the trash and disposing of it.

I asked the trout unlimited when I called and he said It was the trout unlimited who was actually responsible for dumping the cans.

I pick up trash all the time along the stream as I stated this is not a little trash and will not fit back in the can as It was heaping over the top.

The fish commission when I called said to contact who put the cans up which is trout unlimited.

I feel I played my part in contacted the organization who needed to be contacted to take care of the problem as he told me I didn't the right thing and thanked me.

Troutbert and sal I want you to organize a clean up for that area your the right tree huggers for the job.

I find the name treehugger to be a term of endearment, so I thank you but I'm not sure I'm the perfect tree hugger to organize a clean up for Penns. I live pretty far away and not feeling the best.

I do look forward to doing more for the Susquehanna this year though.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I find the name treehugger to be a term of endearment, so I thank you but I'm not sure I'm the perfect tree hugger to organize a clean up for Penns. I live pretty far away and not feeling the best.

I do look forward to doing more for the Susquehanna this year though.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about me, Sal Sr.
Oh doh! Ya I been called that on here for along time.
Well, now what you posting for! Go clean penns! :lol:
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Oh doh! Ya I been called that on here for along time.
Well, now what you posting for! Go clean penns! :lol:

I'm too busy being a tree hugger on the little j
Generally there are local TU meetings 10 months a year. In the chapter I'm a member of they have the meetings on the first Thursday of the month. So when my kids were at college I missed four meetings a year for college trips. Then often the first one in Dec for hunting. Ended up only attending one or two a year.

So not much chance to get involved. The conflicts just mount up. Most stream work ends up in either April, May, Sept or Oct. I did work on a couple tree plantings but those same months tend to be busy for lots of reasons.

I think TU runs in cycles for people just like many other similar activities. A small percentage of people get involved and that's often for a short period.
I've taken a multi year break from the volunteer end. I'm either working or responsible for the kids nearly 100% of my time. Still a member of TU and the WPC, just don't get a chance to help very often.

In a couple years though my oldest will hopefully begin to fish, and I fully intend to take him to some stream cleanup type activities to indoctrinate him to that end of it.