Trout Unlimited Involvement

Never said a word about being entitled did I? If any of you wanna come pick the trash up don't question me about doing It come do it yourself be a good job for you guys who think you know it all and are great conservationists
Hook_Jaw wrote:

Never said a word about being entitled did I? If any of you wanna come pick the trash up don't question me about doing It come do it yourself be a good job for you guys who think you know it all and are great conservationists

I just want to say, that if that problem was happening at my home stream at the little Juniata, I would take care of it, regardless of whose "job, or fault" I thought it was. The resource is worth more to me then to just sit there and watch trash blow around just because its not my "job".

Penns is way out of my way, and I've never even fished it so no, Im not going to make a special trip to pick up trash, but I promise you, if this ever happens on my home stream I will take care of it. I already pick up trash everytime I fish, whether you like it or not, its all of our jobs to protect and keep our resources clean, no matter your job title.
I help out with the Spring Creek cleanup every spring. It's kind of fun. And it really has made a difference. There is much less trash along the stream than in the past.

There is also an annual cleanup on Penns Cr. This one, based in Coburn.

And there is another one, meeting at the sportsmans club below Weikert. Also in April.

There are cleanups on many streams around PA in April.
I clean up trash all the time along the stream. Sal and troutbert do you carry a box of hefty bags in your sling packs? Oh ok Sal I feel much better about it now its gotta be "your home stream".
I always pick up refuse while fishing. If I'm going somewhere where I anticipate a lot of trash, I bring a kitchen trash bag along. I feel its just basic respect for the resource, and no single person's responsibility. Is it in poor taste to litter, yes, but so is complaining about it without taking any action.
Steve were you not reading what I wrote? I said I contacted the proper trout unlimited chapters and left messages about it I don't get what you guys are missing about this.
What's missing is the fact that apparently you've been by these cans many times and haven't done anything about it other than complain. It appears as though you have no intent to help with the situation other than to complain about it, because it's "not your job/responsibility" to actually do something about it.

At least, that's what's being reflected by the attitude of your posts...
No It's apparent that most of you are tree huggers. Do you realize how many people go through there and are by there? I guess all of them the land owners, cabin owners, fishermen, hikers, bikers, campers all through there are ignorant slobs. Thanks for clearing that up guys.
Hook_Jaw wrote:
No It's apparent that most of you are tree huggers. Do you realize how many people go through there and are by there? I guess all of them the land owners, cabin owners, fishermen, hikers, bikers, campers all through there are ignorant slobs. Thanks for clearing that up guys.

Its apparent that you're a giant d-bag.
Yep, I sure am a dirty hippy tree hugger, and proud of it. So if that was meant as an insult you've missed your mark, I've sure been called worse things...
It's apparent your a d-bag tree hugger. Don't like it we someone challenges you huh.

The most amazing part Is the amount of people on this site that have fished through there since It's been like that.

So don't jump down my throat about how It's my problem but I contacted the TU chapters to resolve it.
Hook_Jaw wrote:
It's apparent your a d-bag tree hugger. Don't like it we someone challenges you huh.

The most amazing part Is the amount of people on this site that have fished through there since It's been like that.

So don't jump down my throat about how It's my problem but I contacted the TU chapters to resolve it.

This has gone to far for the forum already, so I'm going to just let it go, you honestly don't even make any sense.
Have fun fishing in the trash, that you're to good to clean up yourself.
It's apparent your a d-bag tree hugger. Don't like it we someone challenges you huh.

The most amazing part Is the amount of people on this site that have fished through there since It's been like that.

So don't jump down my throat about how It's my problem but I contacted the TU chapters to resolve it.

Yeah, and what amazes me is the amount of energy you have to complain about this, instead of actually trying to be a part of the solution. You know the bins are full, why not take some time and make an effort to help out next time you're there instead of shluffing it off onto somebody else? Pack a Hefty big bag with you and take a few extra moments to help out...I'm not saying it's 'your problem' to deal with, but your attitude that it's not your job and that somebody else needs to step up is disappointing. You've made the calls and left the messages, great, now why not take it a step further and actually lend a hand? Seems obvious they could use the extra manpower you could provide...

When I see shopping carts in the Letort, I guess I could complain to the supermarket they belong to, call my local TU chapter and the also the Borough to lodge a complaint about how something needs to be done, because, you know, it's not actually my responsibility to lend a hand in the matter.

Or, I can put on my big boy pants, drag the carts out of the stream myself and let the manager of the market know there are a couple carts that need hosed off and cleaned up, job done.

You mention all the PAFF folks who have just ignored this issue as they also pass through. Well, why don't you engage the membership here and put out the call to organize a quick clean up effort? It really doesn't take all that much effort, probably about as much as you've spent venting on this thread.
I was contacted by Bob from the RB Winter chapter he informed me it will be taken care of and he thanked me for letting him know it was like that.

He didn't say why didn't you clean it up yourself because you saw it. I Pick up trash about every time that I'm out fishing because it's always laying around.

You people assume that I'm through there all the time with your comments I'm rarely through there during the year so I'm not thinking 1 month, 2 months later It would still be there.

Simply stating people that are in the position to do it DCNR, TU Chapter members or others that drive up the path now that in is driveable have not dumped the cans.

I haven't read this entire thread but I will say, thanks Hook_Jaw. I happen to agree with you that whoever put the large blue plastic barrels out for trash receptacles along the path has the responsibility to empty them. I assume those individuals also have a key to unlock the gate and drive up the path in a truck or other vehicle that is appropriate to take away the trash in.

To the others that have scolded Hook_Jaw for not "taking out the trash" - we're not talking about a stray beer can, empty salmon egg jar, etc. These trash receptacles were put there for people to throw their trash in! They are at least 55 gallons in size. Hikers, bicyclers, campers, etc. all go down that path in addition to fishermen. The organization that put the barrels there for the purpose of being trash receptacles has an obligation to empty them, not allow them to overflow and not be maintained. When I drive three hours one way to fish Penns Creek I'm not going there to fill a hefty bag with with someone else's trash, then haul it a half mile or more back to my car. I'm going there to fish.

I would just add that there's no need to resort to name calling and arguing over this issue.
You people assume that I'm through there all the time with your comments I'm rarely through there during the year so I'm not thinking 1 month, 2 months later It would still be there.

Simply stating people that are in the position to do it DCNR, TU Chapter members or others that drive up the path now that in is driveable have not dumped the cans

And this bit of clarification earlier in the discussion would've gone a long ways...glad to hear it's being taken care of, squeaky wheels get the grease. And I will admit a bit of sensitivity on this issue, it wears you thin at times when you're often barraged by the peanut gallery who often offer nothing but opinions and advice about what you need to do!, but then are rarely there to help when it's time for actual action.

I'm still a proud tree hugger, regardless. ;-)
Just becareful of evergreens.

I'm just glad It got done for everyone who uses the resource down there. McSneek hit It on the head I assumed most knew how big the cans were I could of clarified that more.

McSneek wrote:
I haven't read this entire thread but I will say, thanks Hook_Jaw. I happen to agree with you that whoever put the large blue plastic barrels out for trash receptacles along the path has the responsibility to empty them. I assume those individuals also have a key to unlock the gate and drive up the path in a truck or other vehicle that is appropriate to take away the trash in.

To the others that have scolded Hook_Jaw for not "taking out the trash" - we're not talking about a stray beer can, empty salmon egg jar, etc. These trash receptacles were put there for people to throw their trash in! They are at least 55 gallons in size. Hikers, bicyclers, campers, etc. all go down that path in addition to fishermen. The organization that put the barrels there for the purpose of being trash receptacles has an obligation to empty them, not allow them to overflow and not be maintained. When I drive three hours one way to fish Penns Creek I'm not going there to fill a hefty bag with with someone else's trash, then haul it a half mile or more back to my car. I'm going there to fish.

I would just add that there's no need to resort to name calling and arguing over this issue.

I suggest you read the entire thread. You'll see that the attacking and negativity was originated by Hook Jaw.

He attacked TU online for not emptying the cans.

And when he called the TU chapter, he could have offered to meet them and help them empty the trash cans.

There is no indication that he did that.
You can call It whatever you'd like I stated the facts I don't care If you like It or not. I told him the same thing I said on here.

As for helping them I did not offer to help as I'm not part of Trout Unlimited or do I care to be.

Troutbert I want you to go contact your local borough and go pick up all the trash around your community. Then after that you can clean the johns at your community center.
