Trout Feeding Frenzy



May 26, 2020
So I was out on a spring creek near Harrisburg yesterday and came across a faster flowing deep pool. Pool looked perfect so stopped there but before I made my first cast, the surface was broken with many trout breaking the surface and feeding on something. I didn't see any surface bugs or midges in the air so am assuming the activity was due to risers of some sort. Any idea on what might have been hatching and rising? Trout were everywhere, including going after whatever it was close to me and the shoreline.

I did try to take advantage of the feeding, which went on for a while, and kept swapping nymphs but had no takes. Also tried a couple dry flies but again, nothing.

These were big splashes. Any thoughts on what might have been rising?
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Likely a stonefly or BWO hatch.
Usually, they sip BWOs.
Splashy rises would seem to indicate stoneflies
was it a stocked stream or a wild stream?
That might help to know.
If you tell me which stream, I will go and check it out today and report back!
Seriously, I had a few of the Little Black Stones on my patio in Hershey this week.
From my experience there are a ton of baitfish in that stream and that’s likely what you saw rising. No prolific hatches that I know of but this time of year it would be a bwo hatch or little brown stonefly.
They might have been taking midges. Really small midges aren't very easy to see.
I would have fished a BWO emerger with an al's rat dropper