Toothy Critter Success Thread

Hey pete Maina has the pink rally cap...

I got the pink rally shirt. Us musky folk are a strange breed.
Tyeager you can come out a see throwing a 10 wt. with a "prom dress" attached to the end of it is work. No matter what color shirt ya have on...

Just fooling with ya.
Into the double digits. Here is toothy number 10 of 2012. Not real big only about 26" Really want to get out after the musky but it is hard to target musky when the pike bite is so hot right now.


Pike count as half unless there over 30. Jeez do I have to write these rules down!
Pike count as half unless there over 30. Jeez do I have to write these rules down!

Half a loaf is better than none....and half a muskie is better than a whole enchilada....(PACO F knows that for sure!....More than anyone on here, I would guess.)
I'm thinking more of a point system this year. Musky 3 points. Pike 2 points. And pickerel 1 point. Ha.
This is gonna get more complicated than the how the NHL scores goals and assists. Anyway TD were way ahead of the curve if ya compair it to last yr.
this thread has easily beceame my favorite, I laugh every time I read it....glad there can be some back and forth without anyone getting upset

the pictures are starting to get at me though, might have to get a big stick some time this year
Tyeager think ya could keep up with the "Big Dogs"?
Is there a separate scoring system for playoffs?
Yeah they be like a chase for the cup like in nascar. Plus I vote that we have a 2x multiplier for points if the fish is over 40 inches.
If anybody can't tell Paco and I fish together all the time. We are just both competitive. All kidding aside. Toothy is toothy we just like to bust each others balls.
It wouldnt be fun if we werent ragging on each other or on other people. HA! Anyone that takes a musky ride in the JETTA can vouch on it.
I admitt we are competative. Thats what keeps us on our toes & the game fresh.
To get this thread back on track.... I went out to day chasing some pike. I had a crazy day got 3. One of them on a Sponge Bob Squarehead (popper).



Another angle

I also was out today. Didn't do quite as well as Paco I only got to fish for about an hour but I got a pig of a fish. It went about 36" and probably 12-15 lbs. Very fat fish. I love the 2nd pic of this fish.



Thanks Fish, we bin on a roll lately. I need to get on some musky!
Hi Guys, Im just getting started in my "toothy critter" fishing. Im pretty sure that this is a pickerel but I thought I would ask. This is my first of any of the three. Got him on a bunny leach.


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Yep that's a chain pickerel. You can tell by the chain pattern on the body and the tear drop black mark under the eye. Welcome to the toothy critter club.
Chain's get pretty big sometimes. They are just a smaller version of ther cousins.