Tippet rings

I did, realize my sense of cheap is different than most. The pack I bought was $8 for 20, though, and that's alot of cash for a little metal ring.

Oh I agree thats steep. The ones I linked are most likely too big, but they were like $8 for 150 or something. There's gotta be a cheap way to get a little metal ring of of something or other. I'm thinking Michael's, could find something for jewelry making, maybe like the clasp rings on necklaces.


Smallest here are 4mm, which is roughly 5/32 of an inch. If thats too big or you don't like the clasp, you can always buy chains and cut out the links.


The bigger ones are probably fine for nymphing rigs, but the little tippet rings are so stupid light (they're also, supposedly, Ti) that they're able to float.

Since this is the year I tie knotted leaders, I plan to use them in wet fly leaders I construct... Come next fall, I'll see how many in my pack are left. :)

The chain is a pretty interesting idea, though.. One I'll have to look at when I hit the craft store next. However, I'm afraid they'll probably be too pliable, and if the line ends up at a point where the ring is joined, it'd just slip out.

Even I, the cheapest man on this forum, need to admit defeat once in awhile. That said, I don't really see that much of a need for these things. I think this is another item borne of the competition set that might make sense in their fishing game, but in real life isn't very practical.
Fredrick wrote:
oh I have seen those snaps before I think they sell them at the sporting gentleman

I used to go to the Sporting Gentleman back in the 70s when they first opened, I don't know if I got them there or not.
gfen wrote:
I think this is another item borne of the competition set that might make sense in their fishing game, but in real life isn't very practical.

Nope - not legal for the comp guys.

How are they not practical? Tie one to your butt section of the leader, and add tippet as needed, without using up any of the butt section tying knots.

Not necessary, but they work. What about mono/fluoro knots? They eliminate problems joining dissimilar materials.
No knot fas-snap. That is the name of the little u shaped snaps. I actually bought some many moons ago at Dave's in Doylestown. They are still in my vest, but I don't remember the last time I used them. They work as far as I remember, but I feel dirty inside when I use them.
Sound like something one would get an an adult shop.
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Nope - not legal for the comp guys.
How are they not practical? Tie one to your butt section of the leader, and add tippet as needed, without using up any of the butt section tying knots.

They're not? I thought that's where they got the idea from?

Didn't think about monofluoro connections, but other than that, I'm unimpressed. Droppers are just as easy to snug up a cinch to a bloodknot.

They do make leaders look even more fiddly, though. I'm not sure if that impresses chicks, but I'm gonna hold out hope.
BigBronco wrote:
No knot fas-snap. That is the name of the little u shaped snaps. I actually bought some many moons ago at Dave's in Doylestown. They are still in my vest, but I don't remember the last time I used them. They work as far as I remember, but I feel dirty inside when I use them.

Who makes the no knot fast snaps. I was thinking the ones I had were from Eagle Claw. Mustad isn't the only one.

Maybe I'll find them some day or maybe they were in the vest I threw away with my micrometer.
I have been using tippet rings for several years now and really like them. They are indeed light enough that I have no issues with using them even when a dry fly is tied on. If you are interested in trying them out I would suggest spending a little extra and getting decent ones from a reputable source. The first time I purchased them was off of ebay and they were not very good quality. If they are not smooth they will break the tippet.
Even so $8.00 for 20 seems excessive to me. I have only purchased them one other time since the first go around. I forget how much I spent but I still have an ample supply that has lasted me about 2 years.
The manufacture is Kipper. If you are going to try and find them on the interweb look for "Fas-snap".
gfen wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
Nope - not legal for the comp guys.
How are they not practical? Tie one to your butt section of the leader, and add tippet as needed, without using up any of the butt section tying knots.

They're not? I thought that's where they got the idea from?

Per FIPS Mouche rules:

"27.2. Leaders may be knotted or knotless, and continuously tapered down or level. A single loop may only be used to connect a leader to a fly line."

The catch is in the "continuously tapered" part. A tippet ring is considered a break in the taper.
BigBronco wrote:
The manufacture is Kipper. If you are going to try and find them on the interweb look for "Fas-snap".

Thanks, I'll check it out.

I found some places that sell them, Here's one below.


I think I might have paid more than $8 for 20... got em from feathercraft.com

They work well. If I was a better caster, hinging might be an issue... but with my crappy casting I can't tell a difference
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Per FIPS Mouche rules:

"27.2. Leaders may be knotted or knotless, and continuously tapered down or level. A single loop may only be used to connect a leader to a fly line."

The catch is in the "continuously tapered" part. A tippet ring is considered a break in the taper.

My God.
jdaddy wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Per FIPS Mouche rules:

"27.2. Leaders may be knotted or knotless, and continuously tapered down or level. A single loop may only be used to connect a leader to a fly line."

The catch is in the "continuously tapered" part. A tippet ring is considered a break in the taper.

My God.

Well, he asked. :roll:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
jdaddy wrote:
Heritage-Angler wrote:

Per FIPS Mouche rules:

"27.2. Leaders may be knotted or knotless, and continuously tapered down or level. A single loop may only be used to connect a leader to a fly line."

The catch is in the "continuously tapered" part. A tippet ring is considered a break in the taper.

My God.

Well, he asked. :roll:

I know. Just amazed at the rules. Like we don't make fly fishing complex enough.

Hank Hill likes rules.
I know alot of guys that use them for czech nymphing right where the sighter connects to the rest of the leader. The sighters take alot of time to make so it makes sense to put a strong ring there. The sighters I usually make are made of 25-20-15lb amnesia of alternating colors.

To tie large diameter line to considerably smaller diameter the Davy Wotten knot is good- better than triple surgeons.
