tippet and leader

You don't need to. If you buy a 5x tapered leader use it for a while then tie on a new 5x section of tippet after you've either changed or lost a few flies. Unless you only have a 5x leader and want to fish with 6x.

As far as the nail knot, I use the speedy nail knot. It's so easy to tie. I'm sure you can find it online somewhere. I think Lefty Kreh describes it in a book. Definitely easier than the regular nail knot.
I use a 9ft. knotted leader w/ around 3 or 4 ft of usually 5x tippet. I like to use a long tippet, thinking it make for better drifts, as long as you can turn it over it's fine. Works great for dryfly fishing!
