Time to Leave them Be (TROUT)

The great yearly summer debate will be time to debate if you should fish when trout are spawning before you know it and the bait slob slinging circus debate is a ways off till late winter early spring next year.
I went to the Youghiogheny River below Ramcat Run on August 4th looking for cold water to fish for trout and was surprised at the water temperature of 68 degrees F at 2pm. The USGS stream gage showed the same pattern for the next few days. I thought the Yough below Ramcat stayed cold until the lake turned over in the Fall. Is that wrong?
The Yough lost all its cold water weeks ago when the USACE had been running water out of the reservoir pretty damn hard, trying to maintain the level of the reservoir when we had all that rain. this season has ben tough. only got to fish the Yough back in March. I won't touch the Yough until I see water temps below at least 65 degrees.
Yeah - the Yough tailrace usually stays cold until late august.

Since the dam can only release water from the bottom, all that heavy flow from the abnormal rainfall - as Hendeylathe pointed out - ran the cold bottom water out earlier than usual.

I haven't fished it yet this year - and same thing last year.
I'm hoping for decent flows this fall, to finally have it when things cool back down
Hope to get out a few days at end of August. Penns Creek on my mind! I would imagine 4 or 5 of us. Streamside cabin, Pardee rd, by the gate, trail to union sports club Exact dates will follow! Stop in, if your around!
dryflyguy wrote:
Yeah - the Yough tailrace usually stays cold until late august.

Since the dam can only release water from the bottom, all that heavy flow from the abnormal rainfall - as Hendeylathe pointed out - ran the cold bottom water out earlier than usual.

I haven't fished it yet this year - and same thing last year.
I'm hoping for decent flows this fall, to finally have it when things cool back down

Does that dam not have the technical capability to release water from different levels and mix them?

Must all water be released from the bottom?

From what I've heard, there are no control valves to release water from different levels
And it seems to be a logical explanation, because the cold bottom water always runs out in late summer

I fished tailwater that was plenty cool in the summer and a bow almost didn't make it anyway, I was traumatized and now only fish for stillwater species in the summer unless I'm out west. I think it comes down to your personal convictions on the matter regardless.