The “NEW” run

I was in Carlisle last week and over this past weekend and made a point of checking out the Run...


The first 20 yards from the outflow from Children's Lake to the "shelter" are completely different and have to be seen to be believed...
First off, the retaining wall was replaced with a curved fake stone wall and rock out croppings were placed in the stream against the wall every 10 feet eliminating any chance of a decent drift from the opposite bank.​
Second, it is shallow as HECK with a LOT of in stream weed growth meaning snag city if you choose to fish a nymph through there.​
FWIW - I don't ever remember weeds like this before... :unsure:
Third, there is a LOT of other weed growth (maybe watercress) above the surface just below the "shelter" so fishing from the edges means walking out three feet into the cress from the bank on either side to make a cast into the stream...​
Again, I don't ever remember weeds like this before... :unsure:
Magically below the foot bridge it looks the like it always did with NO weeds, no cress and deeper water. :confused:
I saw NO fish.​
I saw NO evidence of fishing activity meaning trails from the upper bank and parking area to the stream edge.​
For the first time in 637 years, I didn't see a single fisherman on a beautiful day...​
I realize it is a pretend stream and not to be taken seriously, but I killed many hours there in the dead of winter or between sessions on the Letort so it saddens me to think it is no longer worth a visit... :(
In other news, the Letort at the end of Foxcrest Drive is a mess (fishing access-wise) although I did see some fish and the development around Trindle Spring Run made the area unrecognizable from the last time I was there in 2006... :(
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You observation and comment reflects the majority of those who once fished The Run. Because of the "Renovation" of the Lake, fish will no longer be able to survive the lack of water. Neither the State nor our YBAC will stock there.
The last time I fished it pre-renovation, the shoreline from outfall to shelter were all greenbrier and other brambles. The same was true from just below the footbridge past the old furnace - with no fewer than 20 water snakes spotted on the same morning. Since it's unlikely that anyone will mow all the way to the water, will anything be planted to replace what was there before?
What you see is what it will be. Not aware of any other plans that may be in the works.
Despite the photos that were posted at the beginning of this thread, I was completely blown away at how F'd up the upper end of the Run looked when I saw it with my own eyes.

The only thing more shocking was going for a coffee at Cafe 101 and finding out it is now a Mexican restaurant... ;)

In regards to further work, the PFBC owns that small parcel that includes the area where the work was done. I don't see them doing anything else or allowing anyone else to do anything because it is probably more a channelization to prevent erosion than a restoration for anything else.

BTW - Trees won't make a difference, it is WAY too shallow with no holding water.
It is obvious that the outflow wall (trough)from the lake wasn't built high enough. The lake is much lower than it was before the restoration. That and the fact that they eliminated the deeper pools that once existed has caused a faster and lower current in the run.

TU screwed up the lower end of The Run years ago!
At least us old boys have the good memories (as long as they last) of how the run was. I first met Roland (the fly shop owner) one cold Jan. afternoon fishing the run. I stopped to just watch and walked down to the walking bridge. There was Roland standing in the water below the bridge wearing shorts and sandals. I asked him how the water was. He said he drove over to fish and forgot his waders, but he was gonna fish anyway.
I picked up a new to me Winston IM 6 7’6” 2 wt and got a reel fitted out today at Precision in Holly. Had an hour to kill before a dinner date with my wife, so I stopped by the Run. Connected with 3 on a 18 Walt’s worm. Thin water, didn’t look more than a foot to 18” deep at the most. Just seems like some stream bed work would be in order - deeper channels and more velocity. Or maybe no one cares about the Run anymore.
Letort, what you saw WAS the stream bed work! The Run is unfortunately and sadly, a thing of the past!

Latest news is that the parking lot will be expanded almost to the furnace, the picnic table will be removed. The lot is being made to accommodate the "Restaurant, Brewery "scheduled for the old tavern that was destroyed by a fire.
The Run is unfortunately and sadly, a thing of the past!
All the fish need is: Depth and Cover.

Something could still be done to provide that. Some big rocks for example. "Random boulder placements"
Letort, what you saw WAS the stream bed work! The Run is unfortunately and sadly, a thing of the past!

Latest news is that the parking lot will be expanded almost to the furnace, the picnic table will be removed. The lot is being made to accommodate the "Restaurant, Brewery "scheduled for the old tavern that was destroyed by a fire.
Reminds me of the “stream bed work” done after Agnes in 1972, where bulldozers got in stream beds and channelized everything.
...Had an hour to kill before a dinner date with my wife, so I stopped by the Run. Connected with 3 on a 18 Walt’s worm. Thin water, didn’t look more than a foot to 18” deep at the most. Just seems like some stream bed work would be in order - deeper channels and more velocity. Or maybe no one cares about the Run anymore.

Just wondering, did you catch those fish ABOVE the footbridge or below?

I ask because the dramatic changes are on the PFBC property which is from the upstream side of the "pavilion" to Bucher Hill Road.
Letort, what you saw WAS the stream bed work! The Run is unfortunately and sadly, a thing of the past!

Latest news is that the parking lot will be expanded almost to the furnace, the picnic table will be removed. The lot is being made to accommodate the "Restaurant, Brewery "scheduled for the old tavern that was destroyed by a fire.


The building at Bucher Hill & Mountain Roads?

If so, I'm drawing a blank. When did the tavern burn down? I remember apartments in there (I knew someone who worked at the War College who lived there) but I don't remember a tavern...

Regardless it will nice to have another food option in town as the "other" tavern doesn't seem to be going anywhere...
Just wondering, did you catch those fish ABOVE the footbridge or below?

I ask because the dramatic changes are on the PFBC property which is from the upstream side of the "pavilion" to Bucher Hill Road.
Above the footbridge, more towards the Children’s Lake spillway. There were two fly anglers right at footbridge and another a little further upstream, so I went to an open spot just down from the spillway.
Above the footbridge, more towards the Children’s Lake spillway. There were two fly anglers right at footbridge and another a little further upstream, so I went to an open spot just down from the spillway.

So you were opposite or along the wall in the "revised" area...
The only reason those trout are in that "upper section" is because a man fishes the lake and tosses his catch over the spillway and into the run. He has thrown a couple dozen in so far. Neither the Yellow Breeches Anglers nor the State plan on stocking The Run any longer.

The building at Bucher Hill & Mountain Roads?

If so, I'm drawing a blank. When did the tavern burn down? I remember apartments in there (I knew someone who worked at the War College who lived there) but I don't remember a tavern...

Regardless it will nice to have another food option in town as the "other" tavern doesn't seem to be going anywhere...
Yep, that's the building. New owners plan to run a restaurant/Brewery. Not sure about a time line. They took off the second story and thus far have not begun any other construction.
Yep, that's the building. New owners plan to run a restaurant/Brewery. Not sure about a time line. They took off the second story and thus far have not begun any other construction.

It will probably be a while and a struggle unless they have tons of cash...

I hope it doesn't end up like a lot of the breweries in my neck of the woods that have plenty of hi-octane beer but mostly what I would consider appetizers and no decent food or they have a food truck stop by.

I get that it's all about the beer for lots of folks but with 14 million breweries out there to visit and not a whole lot of difference between products, I'm always looking for a place with an intersting menu, not just a place to drink craft beer and eat snacks...

How long ago was it a tavern?