The “NEW” run

I guess that's why I always chuckled to myself when I saw folks suit up with waders just to fish there... ;)
Our crew would have been among those in waders since we always wound up in the main stem of the creek as the run was so crowded with kids setting off an Utz hatch and using bread flies. We would go upstream of the special regs area near the old canal and down to the dam.
Looks like a well constructed new culvert. They could have added more streamside trees/vegetation, but otherwise looks great. I have not been there in many years, so I do not recall what the Kiddie Pool looks like.
Our crew would have been among those in waders since we always wound up in the main stem of the creek as the run was so crowded with kids setting off an Utz hatch and using bread flies. We would go upstream of the special regs area near the old canal and down to the dam.

It wasn't you... ;)

I've been there and have seen guys pull into the lot, put on waders and 900 lbs. of gear, fish JUST the Run in front of the pavilion for hours then take off their gear and drive away.
I don't think many of us will be around when this mess has been "renovated" by Mother Nature!
Has this had an affect on the downstream habitat improvement portions?
I'm just curious, I haven't been there in years and don't plan on being there ever again.
Well all the "sediment" from the lake project is now all along the Run,. That sediment will be swept into the mainstream. One would have thought that the lake project should have been done first. Then the Catch and Release project.
Was the parking lot with the red truck there before, or is that new?
Wow! That is a little sad to see. I first fished the run thirty one years ago. I would fish it as a challenge to myself. I don’t recall catching anything out of the kiddie pool but did catch fish from the outflow to the pool and from the bridge to the main stem. A part of history gone. Glad I also fished Big Spring before they removed the hatchery. Did they remove the footbridge by the parking lot?
Who owns the land where this project is being conducted? It looks like they planted grass already. Give it time before you wring your hands into a knot.
Maybe they are not finished. It would be surprising if they just left it like that.
Who owns the land where this project is being conducted? It looks like they planted grass already. Give it time before you wring your hands into a knot.

Actually a tiny slice of the property from the outflow to around 100 feet below and halfway across the creek on the parking lot side is owned by the PA Fish Commission.

The parking area and most of the Run almost down to the Yellow Breeches is owned by South Middleton Township.

The bottom end of the Run is owned by Allenberry.

The property on the opposite side of the Run from where the work was done and where the wall is including half of the Run opposite the PFBC property is owned by Caprice BSM LLC a property management company.

Based on that I would assume the PFBC & South Middleton Township are the owners of the area in the photos.
Who owns the land where this project is being conducted? It looks like they planted grass already. Give it time before you wring your hands into a knot.
How is planting grass going to make any difference to this project? Even if they plant "saplings" it will take years for this to benefit The Run and the YB. Truly a poorly thought out project!
Yes, it will take years. Just like it did for it to require some acyion. And like every public stream bank. Curious what solutions the haters have, other than the complete disgust which I totally expected. I think I fished that once after my Uncle's funeral because he fished the Breeches. I don't really care what happens to it but it looks a lot better than when I was there.
Yes, it will take years. Just like it did for it to require some acyion. And like every public stream bank. Curious what solutions the haters have, other than the complete disgust which I totally expected. I think I fished that once after my Uncle's funeral because he fished the Breeches. I don't really care what happens to it but it looks a lot better than when I was there.
The people who enjoy the lake and the area around it aren't limited to the fishing community. Locals, out-of-towners, and Appalachian Trail hikers are there all the time. They probably like how "clean" it looks.
It looks nicer than a warehouse or condos along the crick. For all the sprawl that has happened around there in the past 30 years,I'm okay with the results.
Looks like they don't believe in trees there.
Oregon_Owlll - I’d imagine they’ll plant trees or some sort of buffer now that construction is done. There’s really no point in planting stuff when construction is going just for it to get run over by equipment.

Also, (not directed at you Oregon, more so everyone else) there are plenty of spring creeks that are wide open with minimal tree cover and they hold fish. I know this isn’t exactly the same but still. Just give it some time for cress to pop up. The fish will be fine. I swear all people did before the project was even an idea was complain that it’s “not what it used to be”, so why all of the fuss all of a sudden?
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