The Nale Brothers

I started fly fishing when I was 10. I did carry a spin rod and a fly rod for 3years after that, and now I only fly fish.
Worms in the pockets and spinner fished a million different ways.
During that time I could make long casts downstream or on a swing keep the spinner near the surface film and make it flutter or stall. If no strike, tug a bit with the rod tip and make the spinner leap about 1 inch out of the water, when it lands, instant strike.

How many times you see fleeing bait fish from smallmouth?
Get a clouser to do that.
Streamers can be fished similar to spinners.
Logic tells me Frank likely has tricks in his approach and I'm sure some of it would be useful when applied to streamers.

Should have asked me about my fish, not frank, it is a fly fishing site .;-)
"How many times you see fleeing bait fish from smallmouth?
Get a clouser to do that."

A Clouser won't do it, but an un-weighted streamer can do it if it is the right design.
If I had a choice to fish with all of you fellas or go fishing with Frank l think I'd go with
My Clousers disagree
I should say a disclaimer though.
I don't actually fish clousers but I'm about to embark on an tying bonanza of articulated clousers and a "modified" bubble head clouser to make it sink/ float, should be a very active fly underwater.

Anyways, I can do that with lightly weighted Wolly buggers (make them jump out if the watet ) and i have caught more than a few big browns doing it. point was you can take thoughts and approaches from great spin fisherman and apply it to the next level of streamer fishing.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
... point was you can take thoughts and approaches from great spin fisherman and apply it to the next level of streamer fishing.


I've long experimented with streamer designs that are much informed by spin lures and spin gear presentation techniques. This includes things such as wiggle, neutral bouyancey, bottom hopping with hook upward, surface diving, side to side wobble, etc.

I think someone who comes from a gear background fishing warm water and salt game fish is particularly well informed to begin the process of customizing flies. This is especially true for guys who transition from gear to flies for muskies.

The best clouser pattern is a rapala f9. Fished the river since early 80's and you'll be hard pressed to find anything that produces half the fish. ;)
I used to use double jointed floating rapalas, jitterbugs, and black rubber worms in the 80's. Totally agree
Since I became a proficient spinner fisherman, my fly fishing success has also increased tremendously, due to lessons learned while spin fishing. You just flat out learn lessons faster when you encounter more fish on a regular basis, big and small. I learned a lot about spin fishing from people like Frank, and from hours and years on the water.

Frank does use his statistics to help other people. He does educational seminars each year, and he would share any information (except stream names) with anybody that asked him questions about trout. My purpose is not to defend Frank, but I just hate seeing somebody being cut down for loving to catch and release trout.
Since this is a fly fishing site, not a trout fishing site, I must "assume" that anyone posting on this site, who is not a fly fisherman nor has any interest in becoming a fly fisherman, is simply trolling.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
In all honesty you can learn a ton from Frank as a streamer fisherman. A lot.

You just admitted that streamer guys are basically fishing with panther martins ;-)
Glorified Panther Martins bestowed upon the masses to covey a message!
The fishing is good, so it shall be, and it is :lol:
These discussions crack me up.

As an all tackle angler, I can say with no uncertainty that I can almost always catch more trout with spinners than I can with flies and there are many reasons for this.

But I prefer to fly fish for trout simply because I find it more enjoyable. It's all fishing to me. Keeping score is not enjoyable to me, but to each their own.

And I don't get bent out of shape when someone catches more than me with spinners, unless it is my little brother. LOL!

That reminds me, I need to go fishing with him again. It's been a long time.
All my poking aside, Frank has come here before and posted his numbers and reports. Ok. It's a fly fishing site though. I'm fine with him posting an article on his tactics with spinners and how it can translate over to streamers. I would find it useful and interesting. Even for the counters amongst us, an article on how to efficiently count fish I would find appropriate.
Again this is a fly fishing site..
Coming here and saying that fly fishing isnt as efficient is true, I guess. By shear casting mechanics alone you could never keep up to Frank. He can cast and cast and keep moving. Increasing his possiblities and making it easier to catch more fish by just numbers of casts.
Now I know guys that are fly fisherman that percentage wise, while the fly is in the water, have the same catch rate as Frank.
They are just that good?or Is fly fishing just terrible now? Should people quit.
So does that make fly fishing less effective than bait, spinners etc?
No IMO and again this is a fly fishing site.

I challenge someone to write us a proper article rather than Frank and Fans giving us troll jobs.

Hopefully the spinner master comes here and starts complaining about fly fishers paradise and other ffo waters. He's good for that once a year.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Look my point Frank has come here before and posted his numbers and reports. Ok. It's a fly fishing site though. I'm fine with him posting an article on his tactics with spinners and how it can translate over to streamers. I would find it useful and interesting. Even for the counters amongst us, an article on how to efficiently count fish I would find appropriate.
Again this is a fly fishing site..
Coming here and saying that fly fishing isnt as efficient is true, I guess.

This is true, and you even went on to splain why?

By shear casting mechanics alone you could never keep up to Frank. He can cast and cast and keep moving. Increasing his possiblities and making it easier to catch more fish by just numbers of casts.

There it is.

Now I know guys that are fly fisherman that percentage wise, while the fly is in the water, have the same catch rate as Frank.
They are just that good?
Apparently we have met. (joking)

or Is fly fishing just terrible now? Should people quit.

Of course not.

So does that make fly fishing less effective than bait, spinners etc?
No IMO and again this is a fly fishing site.

Depends on ones definition of "effective." My goal when fishing is to have an enjoyable outing to get away from the rat race. So to me, fly fishing is very effective. I chose that most of the time now, and almost always when it comes to trout.

If someone is more concerned with catching huge numbers and keeping score, then spinner fishing is more effective.

That's not for me, but to each their own.

I challenge someone to write us a proper article rather than troll jobs.

It's all about perception.

If "proper article" is about spinner fishing and posted on a fly fishing site, there will always be those that perceive it as a troll, and vise-versa.

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." Lily Tomlin.
Just would like to read something useful from the "master" for a change....
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

Again this is a fly fishing site..
Coming here and saying that fly fishing isnt as efficient is true, I guess. By shear casting mechanics alone you could never keep up to Frank. He can cast and cast and keep moving. Increasing his possiblities and making it easier to catch more fish by just numbers of casts.

Now I know guys that are fly fisherman that percentage wise, while the fly is in the water, have the same catch rate as Frank.
They are just that good?or Is fly fishing just terrible now? Should people quit.

So does that make fly fishing less effective than bait, spinners etc?
No IMO and again this is a fly fishing site.

I challenge someone to write us a proper article rather than Frank and Fans giving us troll jobs.

Don't quit, Sal! I'm really tired of hearing how lame fly-fishing is compared to spin fishing. There are times when FFing is not only the most fun, you can catch the most fish.

I fish from a boat and trolling motor in some of my favorite lakes. I like shallow lakes or ones that have shallow sections with lots of cover like weed beds, lily pads, stumps and trees. More times than I can count, I've caught way more fish than the spin guy sitting next to me in same boat.

Think about it! You can measure out the line as you cast to the cover, (say a stump or tree), lay down your fly (either quietly since you fly isn't weighted, or down hard; which ever you feel will work better) it...pick up ....lay it back down in another prime spot....pick up and move to the next....bang-bang bang > you just worked three prime spots.

Your buddy the spin guy has to cast to the spot (his line is not measured out so he has to be careful not to overshoot the target). Hit the spot (since his lure has weight in order to cast, a soft presentation is harder to make). Now he has to speed up and reel the entire amount of line in, mostly ripping it through unproductive water, to make another cast.

Three casts to a prime spot using finesse with the fly rod, to every one cast for the spin guy....I like my odds.

Now you're fishin' the lily pads and you bang a cast to all the points and breaks along the edges of the pads > bang-bang-bang....and bang! There's three small open spots right there in the middle of the pads that surely has some bass looking up. Bang (pick up)....bang (pick up)....bang BANG!...SET THE HOOK!

Your buddy casts to the edges of the pad > (reels in) casts again (reels in) and again.... Finally he let's fly a cast to one of the voids in the middle of the pads. No has to reel in his lure and rip it through the pads to make another cast.

Thank God you pulled a good fish out of there before the spin guy ruined the spot.

I actually feel a little sorry for the spin guy being so handicapped with his tackle.....but not that sorry! :lol:
