The LJ and Spruce

For 5-Wt -- You are right about confusion. Yes, I think we realize you caught the trout on the Little Juniata River in the gorge. But, I think timbow's post #3 confused you, since many people who fish the Little Juniata River refer to it as the "J." You refer to the big Juniata as the "J," so that's where the confusion sets in.

I don't think you want to get mad about the confusion, though. I think most of us who posted about your accomplishment realize a 27" trout is possible on the LJR, and I know that I, at least, think catching a trout that size on a dry fly is quite an accomplishment. I know I certainly was not dissing your accomplishment, at least I did not intend to.
The sad part of posting fish pics on the internet is that it will certainly bring lots of criticism ie: holding the fish out to appear bigger, keep the fish wet, don't squeeze the fish, you are not holding it properly, that's not a 20", it's a 19" and so on and so forth. I rarely post new pics anymore for these and more reasons. Although I do enjoy looking at other's catches.
You're orginal post slams Maxima then you say you don't post here because people hassle you and give you a hard time......interesting.
Keyboard jockeys are a rough crowd. Well done 5 wt. Guys on here are jealous of success, especially big trout.
I've caught 24-25" browns out of waters half the size of the Little J so of course it's totally possible to pull a 27" brown out of there. That said, that's a world class trout no matter where you are in PA. I like the Little J but since it takes me about 40 mins to drive there I rarely fish it.

Oh, I suck at picture taking too. I'd rather unhook a fish, put it back asap, and be in with my day..memories are what matter.
maxima12 wrote:
Fiveweight, glad you read my posts!


This is the funniest thing I've read in quite a while. I have a newfound respect for you!

Interesting how you would be critical in the OP while stating you don't post very often because of all the criticism.

Must be an LJ thing. NO REBUTTAL!

Frankly most of us didn't notice that you don't post often ... or cared.

If you don't like it here, oh well.

BTW, sounded like a nice fish. Thanks for sharing ... that part.

FiveWeight wrote:
. And this is why I don't post here that often anymore. It's always the hassle and the bullshit. Oh, I've got rhino skin and can take it but, I just don't have the time for it. The page has proven again that regardless of what gets posted. Somebody is going to throw negativity at ya. I'll give it another shot in six months or so.

Oh I agree there are some rather large fish in the J particularly in the gorge. The past two years have been excellent as far as fish size goes.

Here is a song for ya 5wt

Fiveweight, Some might of been a little hard on you but I believe you were harder on yourself. We are all friends here! The tops of your posts were great, the bottoms lacked "Oxygen". So, with that in mind, "Stop at the top and not at the bottom". Always stop on top, never bottom!
