The Fishing Post in Greensburg



Jan 22, 2007
Does anyone know what happened to John McAdams of the fishing post in Greensburg? I know it’s been a number of years since the shop closed, but John helped me so much early in my career and often wonder what happened to him.
John was my neighbor for a number of years. He still lives nearby and I bump into him occasionally. He’s a good guy and I always enjoy seeing him.

I believe he still does some bird hunting, to accompany his fishing. I don’t recall if he had a cigar last time I saw him but it’s a safe bet. I know he frequents the local gun shop, if you can imagine that.
Thank you. It’s good to know he’s still getting out there. And I agree, he is a good guy. I loved stopping in a shooting the **** with him. He always took the time to answer any questions I had, never talked down to me.
John had been working at Bullseye Firearms in New Alexandria. Last year he had some serious health issues and was in a rehab facility the last I heard. The boys at Bullseye Firearms could probably give you a more current update. John's a great guy and helped a lot of beginner fly fishermen in the area, a lot of fun to sit and talk to.
Ha, man I used to spend come time in that place when I was in my teens. John was very helpful guy and he taught me a lot including how to use a whip finish for the first time. Geez that was almost 30 years ago now. Time flies. That guy just loved Little Mahoning Creek.
Just ran into John and his wife at Rt 30 Arby's in March. As one stated, he has been spending time at Bullseye Firearms and with someone else in Indiana that started a new fishing club on Two Lick.
I stopped in at the gun shop yesterday. I can report John has been in a care facility. I’m going to go see him after the Holiday and report back.

I’ll let him know guys were asking about him.
Zak wrote:
Ha, man I used to spend come time in that place when I was in my teens. John was very helpful guy and he taught me a lot including how to use a whip finish for the first time. Geez that was almost 30 years ago now. Time flies. That guy just loved Little Mahoning Creek.
John is who turned me on to Little Mahoning. When I first moved back to PA from Idaho I didn't know many people in western PA. Having a local fly shop and a great guy like John made it easier to be in a strange place.

If someone knows where is, I would not mind making a visit.
Yeah, just got the word from my buddy today, which was one of the owners of the Fishing Post. John is in the Loyalhanna Care Center near Latrobe.
I am saddened to hear that. ;-(
Yes John is in the Loyalhanna care center. He is physically challenged but cognitively he is sharp as ever!!I talked to John a couple times each week and visit as I am able. Amazingly the stories keep coming and I have yet to hear one twice! He is bored with his situation and would love to hear from each and everyone of you. A card,a letter or most importantly a visit would be most welcome. If you PM me I can provide you a number to call him.

Loyalhanna Care Center 535 McFarland Road Latrobe Pa 15650

Hi, I just joined up..I’m from western pa. But now live in Idaho.
Cool, I used to live in Boise but now live in WPA. I used to work at KTVB. My dad still Coaches football at B.K.
Was that the place Millford Burrell owned, back in the day?