Terrestrial Swap



Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Camillus, NY
Bugs are not going to inherit the earth. They own it now. So we might as well make peace with the landlord. - Thomas Eisner

Well I'm FINALLY BACK! Heading in to the doctor to get my new prescription for glasses after the eye surgeries. Had a bit of a complication that delayed my return (has anyone ever heard of a cold sore on the eye!) but I'm now ready to hit the road and start hosting swaps again.

This is a nice theme for this time of year! Ants, beetles and grasshoppers (and SO MUCH more - OH MY!

Registration will close Monday, September 18th or when we reach 12 registrants. The flies will be due by Monday, October 2nd.

As with all my swaps this swap is open to ALL level tyers and newer tyers are MOST WELCOME! If you fall into this category OR are new to swaps, please let me know as I can provide additional assistance to to make your swap tying experience a great one!

The checklist of what you need to send me: - your flies WITH toe tags (including your screen name and name of pattern), - your fly swap box (again with your screen name on it - getting 5 Altoids boxes without names can be CHALLENGING!), a SASE (so I can send you your set of flies back), and your sending envelope. I do accept money or check to cover return postage -if you don't have enough postage stamps.

Lastly - HAVE FUN!!

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I've been wanting to try Letort Hopper or Cricket so put me down for one of those. Maybe both.
I will tie thread ants. It is what's been working for me lately.
Welcome back, Kim! After a fairly lengthy hiatus, glad to hear you’re getting back into the swing. I’m thinking a bit more about bowhunting than I am about fly tying right now, but a terrestrial swap is always cool. I’m thinking…. I’ll probably check in with a pattern a bit later.
We have 3 members and a strong maybe! Thanks to all for your interest!


BTW, I'll post the list of names to date when we reach at least 6 registrants.
I’m in. I’ll be tying a size 16 Murray’s flying beetle.
I’m in. I’ll be tying my UV/Foam/CDC ant!

Welcome back Kim!
Gonna get the bravery to finally dive in.

I'll tie these GFA Hopper variants I posted a bit back.

I learned them from the front page of a super cool, hip website that probably no one knows about 👀👀, and they absolutely slayed in the NH White Mountains last week.

Thanks, Kim! Welcome back!
Great news! The swap is on and we have 6 more openings left!

Here's the list to date:
1 - redietz -

2 - PatchezMDM - Letort Cricket/Hopper

3 - JeffK - Thread Ant

4 -dc410 - Murray's Flying Ant

5 - JimNovo - UV/Foam?CDC Ant (UFC Ant for short? ;))

6 - hooker-of-men - GFA Hopper Variant

Glad to see a couple new faces and i look forward to swapping with you!

This swap is in that IDEAL position - we have the 6 needed to run it AND there is still space for more to register!!!:love: Who would still like to join?

Here is the Murray’s Flying Beetle, the pattern I’m tying for the swap. The shellback on this pattern is tied using moose mane, a material that I have not tied with very much at all in my fly tying career. I did actually happen to have some in my never ending stash of tying materials (must have bought it years ago to tie tails on a green drake pattern or something like that). Anyway, this pattern consists of only three materials - moose mane, peacock herl and bleached elk hair. I’ll be tying them on size 16 hooks for the swap.

IMG 9155
Following dc410s lead, here is my fly for the swap. As Kim named it, the UFC Ant.

Tied on a size 16 Daiichi 1160 Klinkhammer hook, it has a black thread covered by UV cure epoxy thorax, a foam over dubbing head, and a CDC wing with CDC split thread legs.

It sits nicely in the film due to the UV thorax, but floats well due to the foam and CDC.

Cmon and join the swap!!

IMG 3992
Following dc410s lead, here is my fly for the swap. As Kim named it, the UFC Ant.

Tied on a size 16 Daiichi 1160 Klinkhammer hook, it has a black thread covered by UV cure epoxy thorax, a foam over dubbing head, and a CDC wing with CDC split thread legs.

It sits nicely in the film due to the UV thorax, but floats well due to the foam and CDC.

Cmon and join the swap!!

View attachment 1641232293
Cool pattern, Jim. Yeah, I thought it be beneficial for us to share a bit and have some communication back and forth as the swap is taking place. Everybody stands to learn a bit from sharing ideas. It may also generate some added interest from potential participants. It would be great to fill the swap.

Do you tie your dubbing and cdc in as a dubbing loop
or split thread all together up front?
Cool pattern, Jim. Yeah, I thought it be beneficial for us to share a bit and have some communication back and forth as the swap is taking place. Everybody stands to learn a bit from sharing ideas. It may also generate some added interest from potential participants. It would be great to fill the swap.

Do you tie your dubbing and cdc in as a dubbing loop
or split thread all together up front?
I tie the dubbing in first to get the basic shape of the head, then split thread in the CDC legs.
I’m not good enough of a fly tier to do it all at once.
I tie the dubbing in first to get the basic shape of the head, then split thread in the CDC legs.
I’m not good enough of a fly tier to do it all at once.
Great, thanks for the info. I really like the look of your dubbing/cdc legs under that foam. Very nice!
Nice job to both of you! I'm trying to target some newer tyers into this swap and what you are doing can only help theses efforts!

I am REALLY looking forward to this swap!!
