Team USA Northeast Qualifier-Controllers Needed

SBecker wrote:
Fred you working next weekend?

Unfortunately I am working . If I was able to go I definitely would be participating in the comp. I couldn't let a opportunity like this pass me by.
SBecker; My Cabin is in Coburn at the end of Tunel Rd, through the little parking lot. I do have several guys at my place that weekend.

I only ask because another forum member and I ran into you guys during the Deep freeze. They warned us not to try Po Paddy because one of the competitors had a cabin over there and almost did not make it with chains on his truck. Was just wondering if it was you. No biggie and good luck next weekend.
Poe Paddy is tough in the winter, the road in doesnt get plowed and then the guys on snowmobiles have a blast and it turns to ice. They also don't plow the top of the mountain only about 3/4 of the way up on the Coburn side, not sure about the other side.
Shane thatr was actually another team mate Dave Bond.
I'll be tied up in NJ that weekend, otherwise I would pitch in. My only exposure to comps was as a player at the 2nd America Cup in Colorado, and I really appreciated the effort the volunteers and controllers expended to run the event. These events need more helpers than the number of competitors to run smoothly, and most of them are outdoorsmen (and women), so it's a real sacrifice and commitment on their part to help.

I only participated in the tournament to help out a friend whose team suffered the loss of a regular member through illness, and the team had already paid the fees, made all the arrangements, and assembled from several corners of the world. I found the experience great, mainly because of the people and also having to learn discipline in an activity I'm pretty low key and sloppy about. I did learn a lot - there are some unbelievably skilled anglers out there, not just from the powerhouses from Europe but also the home grown folks.

It's like comparing a running a marathon to a nice leisurely walk in the woods. I'm glad I did it just the once - kind of like having been a teenager: Glad I done it, and gladder it's done. But I definitely would help out controllers are needed.

I am curious if they have a schedule, so I know what times to avoid spring and fishing creek. The last thing I want to do is bungle somebodies chance at doing great at this event by fishing through their beat an hour before they are supposed to fish it... I will be working most of that weekend, so I can't commit to helping or I would. I figure the next best thing is making sure I am not ruining somebodies day. I know I wouldn't want to fish a beat that somebody just fished...

Thank you!
The schedule is posted on trout legend.

However here you go.

Sessions are Sat and Sunday starting at 8:30- 11:30- then 2:00-5:00

The venues are : Spring Up from the bridge at Benner, BFC the Bridge up stream from the Fed Hatchery, Penns, Coburn down to tressel bridge, Little J Spruce creek up stream.

There will only be 8 guys per stream at each venue all day. Not a lot of water being taken up by this. I have had 8 guys fish near me on Penn's in less then a hundred yards durring a hatch and Spring at times have seen 20 guys from the bridge at benner to the lot.
Thanks and Good Luck! That section on Spring has been my best producer so far this year.