Team USA Northeast Qualifier-Controllers Needed



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Just got a phone call from one friend and another private message from a competitor asking if I was interested or knew anybody that would be interested in controlling the competition next weekend. Saturday and Sunday at State College. I am pretty sure I am gonna go help. You can really learn a lot from these things and if you are interested shoot me a pm. I can give you a phone number to call. If anybody is in the Lehigh Valley area and wants to car pool or share a hotel room we can do that. If anybody in State College has a heated shed for me to sleep, let me know. Lol

Mods if this is the wrong area for this I apologize and feel free to move.
Unreal, perfect time for all my friends to leave Penn State for Spring break. . .
When you say control, what does that entail
Yea my buddy at PSU will be gone to. He is the one that called me about it. Here is a link from last year with info......,23694.html
It's a big event delta close to about fifty anglers . I recommend to everyone that is available to give it a try regardless if you agree with comp fishing you will learn allot and make some good friends along the way .
Delta does it matter where they ask for help? Be it Craigslist, like you say, or here?
Fred you working next weekend?
It's a big event delta close to about fifty anglers . I recommend to everyone that is available to give it a try regardless if you agree with comp fishing you will learn allot and make some good friends along the way .

I was simply pointing out that they are desperate for anybody to help. But then decided it wasn't worth posting. ;-)
When you say next weekend do you mean March 2-3 or 9-10? Also, is this just on Spring or all four of the big limestoners down that way?
9th and 10th..... Spring, Penns, BFC, Little J
phew i'm fishing there the 8th. Glad I'm staying away from those crowds on the 9th and 10th.
I volunteered for the USA fly fishing team event they had up here in central/upstate NY last summer. It is a terrific event and a great group of guys. I recommend to all that can do it to help out. Controlling is very easy. You just make sure they caught the fish without fowl hooking it and mesure it. I am from State College area originally and it was cool to meet a couple Centre County guys on the USA Fly Fishing Team. Good luck to all and have fun. I will be in Central PA this upcoming weekend but if I wasnt I would go down the following weekend to help.
I was fishing a stream in NY last summer during one of these comps and got pushed out of a beat. I am not anti-comp but I don't care for the added pressure on already heavy pressured streams.

I was just out for a relaxing day and didn't even know a comp was going on and this guy was fishing closer and closer to me and I basically just let him have the water. I guess I don't see the fun in fishing like that.
Sorry to hear about your experience. I must be honest with you on this the extra pressure from these events is really minimal and located to roughly a mile of stream. Now if you look at the amount of fishable water that open to the public really many people don't even realize the competition is in the area.

Thanks for those volunteering to control. I am one of the competitors involved and appreciate the time and effort of those volunteering. I know comp. fishing is not everyones cup of tea; however I can tell you first hand there is a lot of great guys fishing and a lot of outstanding anglers. There are several guys coming from out West to fish as well as several from NC. Lance Eagan form Salt Lake City and also Pat Weis a local are both amazing fisherman.

I also know that if controllers are looking for a place to stay they can use the same hotel as the competitors and get the same discount. Im pretty sure it is the Ramada Inn. State College.

If anyone is interested, I'm on Team Freestone and have a cabin on Penn's if you have any questions or are interested in finding out more just send me a PM. You can also check out the trout legend web site or look at Team Freestone on face book.

And S.Becker I live just outside of Doylestown and fish the Lehigh Valley on a regular basis if you have any question on your new found nymphing technique let me know.
MHanes wrote:
Sorry to hear about your experience. I must be honest with you on this the extra pressure from these events is really minimal and located to roughly a mile of stream. Now if you look at the amount of fishable water that open to the public really many people don't even realize the competition is in the area.

Thanks for the reply and please don't take my response the wrong way. I am not against comp fishing at all. It just isn't my cup of tea and I do realize most are probably respectful of other anglers while fishing. I think you are probably right about the fisihing pressure being spread out as well.
You Team Freestone guys tear it up. Glad to know your on the site.
MC, I had similar experience on the Davidson River in North Carolina a few weeks ago. In actuality the pressure is greater than it would normally be. Also due to competitors being assigned a beat they rarely show the same consideration a normal fisherman would to others because they cannot hop in the car and go downstream a mile. Add to that most trout waters are shut down which concentrates pressure on these four streams anyhow and it will be a crappy weekend for normal fisherman to be in central Pa that weekend.
smgfish wrote:
Thanks for those volunteering to control. I am one of the competitors involved and appreciate the time and effort of those volunteering. I know comp. fishing is not everyones cup of tea; however I can tell you first hand there is a lot of great guys fishing and a lot of outstanding anglers. There are several guys coming from out West to fish as well as several from NC. Lance Eagan form Salt Lake City and also Pat Weis a local are both amazing fisherman.

I also know that if controllers are looking for a place to stay they can use the same hotel as the competitors and get the same discount. Im pretty sure it is the Ramada Inn. State College.

If anyone is interested, I'm on Team Freestone and have a cabin on Penn's if you have any questions or are interested in finding out more just send me a PM. You can also check out the trout legend web site or look at Team Freestone on face book.

And S.Becker I live just outside of Doylestown and fish the Lehigh Valley on a regular basis if you have any question on your new found nymphing technique let me know.

Yea I am going to stay at the Ramada. I am not looking to be a competitor, more so refine the style to be a better fishermen. This is the perfect time to watch and learn and pick some brains. Was talking to SeanC and he said you were putting some guys up at your cabin. By any chance do you have a place over by Po Paddy?