Tackle and Fly shops open during quarantine

TCO state college was open, but they had the door open, so all ok.
Honestly, shopping there it is very easy to maintain safe distances and no one was out except at grocery stores. The town really thinned out and we are a low density area. BUT it's the optics man!.

BTW Centre county announced its first two confirmed cases today.
FFP is filling on-line and phone orders. Dennis is open to creative ways to get product to you without violating the letter or spirit of order.
Thank you to the few people who can have an intelligent conversation. To the rest I would like to point out that I am only echoing what the CDC has been saying for a month or more. Please continue spreading panic, fear and hate while stockpiling your toilet paper, sanitizer and Clorox wipes. Ive always kept plenty on hand so I could gripe equally about those who are out panic buying basic hygeniue items they should have been using in the first place. The only difference between running out for toilet paper or a pack of dubbing is your more likely to catch the virus amidst the throngs of panic TP buyers then at the fly shop.
Here is one of the problems:

Took my kid to college yesterday to gather his things. Lots of parents we knew were going to go this weekend but I had the day off so I wanted to get it over with. We had to sign up. You could sign up for any block between now and April 5th.

While we were there the President of the College announced that as of 9PM ALL ACCESS to campus would be shut down. Apparently the governor changed the rules of the quarantine from "non-essential" to "non-life sustaining". Therefore, the college falls into the "gotta close" category. On the drive home my kid tells me that more of his friends are high tailing it back to school to get their stuff.

Later that evening the Governor backs off of his Friday, one minute after midnight(yes, 12:00am is midnight not noon.) deadline and extends it to 8am on Monday...seems he got too any requests for exclusions.

Point being, the rules change and change back and change and change back with more fluidity than the tides. Just make a rule and stick to it. This is how you create panic and confirm to taxpayers that you don't know what you're doing.

Today was my regular shopping day. So I went. Had little problem. Was encouraging but kinda funny watching people walk widely around others like they were trying to avoid being tagged "it". Still no toilet paper but I didn't need any.

Monday I go back to work, opening boxes from China so we can help get working chromebooks to schools to be able to finish their years' online.

Be safe, Lay low, Pretend you're playing hookie!
tomgamber wrote:

Monday I go back to work, opening boxes from China so we can help get working chromebooks to schools to be able to finish their years' online.

Be safe, Lay low, Pretend you're playing hookie!

I have a large spray bottle of Isopropyl alcohol & a can of Lysol in my garage at home to spray any packages & mail I receive in light of the revelation the virus can live on cardboard for up to 24 hours.

At my office & my wife's, packages are quarantined for 24 hours before opening.

If I was getting stuff from China, it would be alcohol, Lysol and a 48 hour quarantine!!!

Be safe out there!!
Actually we get 2 kinds of boxes. One gets a 5 day and 10 day quarantines. They are wiped down upon entering the dock and sorted by opening dates. We give them way more time disinfecting than they require but better safe...

The wipes we use are pretty nasty. They require gloves to use them. We have drums of alcohol but it's too concentrated. Anything more than 75 % evaporates or causes coagulation that creates a protective layer before it's been effective according to the NIH. We're probably going to have to go to bleach soon. Supply is pretty low on other stuff.

Heres another interesting tid bit. Stores are suspending refunds on purchases made during the emergency period. Kinda like when people bought generators before Y2K and then tried to take them back when they didnt need them.
tomgamber wrote:
Actually we get 2 kinds of boxes. One gets a 5 day and 10 day quarantines. They are wiped down upon entering the dock and sorted by opening dates. We give them way more time disinfecting than they require but better safe...

The wipes we use are pretty nasty. They require gloves to use them. We have drums of alcohol but it's too concentrated. Anything more than 75 % evaporates or causes coagulation that creates a protective layer before it's been effective according to the NIH. We're probably going to have to go to bleach soon. Supply is pretty low on other stuff.

Heres another interesting tid bit. Stores are suspending refunds on purchases made during the emergency period. Kinda like when people bought generators before Y2K and then tried to take them back when they didnt need them.
That's an impressive policy!!!

BTW - I am accepting returns on beer, wine & spirits at $ .10 on the dollar for anyone who was hoarding and now realizes they have too much. ;-)