SW PA truly is a trout "desert"!


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Lancaster County
I never realized how much of a trout desert southwestern PA was until I zoomed out to the state level that shows stocked, Class A, and Natural Repro water. You folks in SW PA really are wild trout challenged! 😥 A map such as this really shows where an angler's efforts should be focused should they desire to chase wild trout.

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 10-25-13 Trout Streams.png
Not too much trout fishing for me here. Only good time is when they stock. Then in summer most creeks get hot and dry up.
I live in western Westmoreland county and don’t disagree. While there are some decent places to fish for trout within an hours drive it’s nothing like by my camp in Forest County. Lot more options there. Can’t even imagine being in north central. That looks like native trout heaven.

Couldn't agree more about NC PA. I live in NW Lancaster County and this map really drove home even how barren my area is. I can be on wild trout water in less than a half hour, but nothing like some areas of the state. If you had to pick a place to move to for the best access to wild trout water, a map like this would really help to whittle down the options. I'm actually a little surprised at how little wild trout water is in some of the northern tier counties (Bradford, Tioga, Susquehanna, etc.).
Meh. There’s nowhere in PA where you’re more than 90 minutes (by car) away from at least decent wild Trout fishing. Even in extreme SW PA. We have it pretty good IMO.
I'm actually a little surprised at how little wild trout water is in some of the northern tier counties (Bradford, Tioga, Susquehanna, etc.).
If you compare this map to satellite imagery, you'll notice that the areas devoid of trout streams are mostly either urban/suburban areas, or areas that are wall-to-wall agriculture.

One of the areas that quite doesn't fit this pattern is the area just to the N.E. of Pittsburgh, an area with a lot of old coal mines. There would definitely be more wild trout in close proximity to S.W. PA if not for the triple whammy of urban sprawl, coal, and ag.
Tiny trout?
I mean, generally that's true. If you're chasing bigger trout, for sure the central part of the state is preferred over NCPA. That doesn't mean there aren't big trout there, of course there are. But overall, I prefer to fish there for the solitude and the miles of wild trout streams, not the trophy sized fish.
Meh. There’s nowhere in PA where you’re more than 90 minutes (by car) away from at least decent wild Trout fishing. Even in extreme SW PA. We have it pretty good IMO.
Driving 90 minutes to fish is just too far for my liking. I make one trip each year to Potter County, and that might be the only time I drive more than 90 minutes to trout fish. If I had to drive more than 30 minutes, I'd be fishing for something else.

I know, I am lazier than most of you. You all have dedication to leave your house early, spend hours on the road, fish all day, and return home at dark. Kudos to yinz' guys!
I've lived in Allegheny Co (20 years) and now Westmoreland (4 years) and there are options but my favorite places require a pretty good drive. The silver lining to me is that I have to be judicious regarding stream levels, weather, and hatches when deciding to make a run. It's conditioned me to pay more attention than if I lived close to a desirable stream. I think I actually appreciate my outings more this way as opposed to being close. I might take it all more for granted.