Stolen Jacket

Your message is heard loud and clear Slinger...But will never be heard by those smarter than you. Or self-perceived to be...
Your message is heard loud and clear Slinger...But will never be heard by those smarter than you. Or self-perceived to be...

"Is this acceptable? Within paflyfish guidelines?"

Mo, you should spend 2 minutes in the penalty box, self imposed. This is the general forum, is it not? :p

Slinger, I think many realized you were doing a service in the OP, and the rest probably realized the same by the second time you reiterated it. I feel it was a valuable wake-up call. Thanks.

But I see no harm in the additional discussion either. Most were not finding fault with you. Some of those might help, too, as long as it doesn't decline to personal insults.

I'm fortunate enough that I never had my vehicle broken into while fishing (as far as I know). But I still like to be somewhat cautious as you and others suggested.

I'm sorry if I said anything offensive to anyone, but only in this thread.;-)
huntfish wrote:
i was fishing spring yesterday at one of the parking lots below fishermans paradise and as i was packing up taking the rod apart a pretty sh***y white car pulled into the parking lot. two guys probably about 20 years old were in the car, looked like scumbags. i definitely caught them off guard being there, they pulled in the lot and turned around and left. i looked at them but they didn't make eye contact with me.

Yo hunt

Did you get the license plate number? I haven't myself gotten the opportunity like this one, but my game plan is to take a surreptitious photo of the car and plate and post it to this forum, innocently asking if anyone knows these folks. (Don't want to unjustly accuse innocent parties, even if they are just partaking of a little afternoon delight or a doobie - neither of which I have anything against).

I like to turn in poachers and keep the tel numbers of several WCOs on my phone. One good hint I got from Bob Bonney (a great WCO and a great guy) is if cell reception is poor, which is often the case in the boonies where the great ffishing is, instead, send a text. A text will get through many times when there isn't enough signal to carry a phone call.
It is a shame that we all (everyone) have to deal with theifs. not just fly fisherpeople. And I have read where even the professionals in Bass Turnies have their boats broke into and equipment stolen.

Look on the bright side of things. Spring is here and you probably won't need a jacket until fall comes back around. Lots of time and opportunities to invest in a new jacket. Should be seeing some sales in stores right around the corner if they have not already started to get rid of their winter clothing line.
Because I care about all of family, please feel free to utilize the attached graphic.

This will save you so much time, as Jack suggested, you could maybe even get your butts out and see if you like fly fishing...instead of chatting about it

Have a swell 60 degree spring day


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Maurice wrote:
Your message is heard loud and clear Slinger...But will never be heard by those smarter than you. Or self-perceived to be...

Maurice, being that I was the only one that didn't reply to this thread with "I'm so sorry for you that you got something stolen that you didn't lock up when it was left unattended in public" I'm going to assume your message was pointed at me. You could've addressed me, I stand behind what I typed.

I'll add, Mr. Moderator, maybe you ought to take a look in the mirror before posting about someone being "self-perceived to be smarter" with their posts on this site. I'm not against the moderators, Jack and Dave represent this site well with their posts.

I'll spell out the question YOU posed. Knowing theft is always a possibility in the world we currently live in. Plan A lock up your belongings when left unattended in a populated public area. Plan B leave belongings easily accessible when unattended in a populated public area. Which approach would be perceived as the smart approach (since you put it that way) being the only objective is to deter theft and keep what belongs to you?

I said my peace and was done with this. Slinger was done with it (Slinger, I should add, I have no problem with you... I'd venture a guess that if the homeless guy that used to live under the Gamble Mill bridge stayed the winter, he might have needed your jacket. I don't know if that's a small notch above a common thief, a thief is still a thief).

You Maurice, a moderator no less (I thought moderators policed sites and kept the peace), rehashed this.

I must say I have enjoyed the thread especially the comments from people who are not fishing themselves but who post and question why one is posting as opposed to fishing. Great stuff.
"I must say I have enjoyed the thread especially the comments from people who are not fishing themselves but who post and question why one is posting as opposed to fishing. Great stuff.".

I agree, but my argument/response to that, is that usually when I'm posting, it's because I'm at work. If I could be fishing it would be nice. At least i'm getting paid to post here...well not really but you get what I mean. I browse the site and a couple other websites a few times a day here so I don't get fried on looking at numbers all day. If I was retired or unemployed, I'd have no excuse maybe...

I must say I have enjoyed the thread especially the comments from people who are not fishing themselves but who post and question why one is posting as opposed to fishing. Great stuff.

Maybe they're posting from their phones streamside....anybody wanna discuss the evils of phones while fishing?
I didn't happen to catch their plate, didn't think of it at the time. If there is a next time I will surely take it down.
BrookieChaser wrote:
SlingerFlyRods wrote:

Thank you again. I've been so misinformed all these years. Thank goodness for the Internet

Hey, you put it on the internet where everyone can read it. I can't take all the credit.

SlingerFlyRods wrote:

Message was simple. Lock your car and be aware that there was a theft in the gamble mill parking lot. Period.

So you're saying had you locked your coat up in the cab it wouldn't have been as easy to steal? Hmmm.

Not that I don't agree with locking things up but most of those truck caps are easy to get into. Not much more effort than turning the handles in the first place.
Brookie Chaser.

He said in the OP make sure you lock your car. You then claim he was asking for it. I think his OP states that. The misunderstanding here is your desire to go after him for it. And to keep defending your effort.

You don't have to pat him on the back and say there, there. it'll be OK. But you also don't have to point out that his message is"silly" [my word] based on a point that he offered to you. He knows it was a mistake and was alerting other to not make the same mistake.

See it how you want. But apparently based on the number of times you were quoted others saw it too as being uncalled for.

And to use your own put your response on the you asked for it too.

Maurice, sorry for the late response. I see your point. I will agree to disagree with you, and, by the way you see it, the majority of this forum as well.
pointing out the obvious in a snarky way is really the issue here. like I tell my kids, you don't always have to have something to say. he knows he made a mistake so why you feel you have to point it out remains a mystery to me. Instead of a quick response how about thinking about it for a second.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
Brookie Wrote: I remember an old farmer saying

I think this is referring to FD!

I was once informed that a lock only keeps honest people honest. If a theif wants something they will figure out how to get it.
A gun keeps everyone honest.
JohnPowers wrote:
pointing out the obvious in a snarky way is really the issue here. like I tell my kids, you don't always have to have something to say. he knows he made a mistake so why you feel you have to point it out remains a mystery to me. Instead of a quick response how about thinking about it for a second.

I have to agree.

It's like when I ran over myself with my own tractor.

Wife said I should be more careful.

Well, Duhhhh!

Only she wasn't snarky, I was.;-)
