Stolen Jacket

BrookieChaser wrote:
If I have something I don't want stolen in an unattended vehicle said item is behind lock and key. Especially in a populated area like Bellefonte. If I didn't protect it, and it got stolen, if they can live with it, I guess I can live without it (because it must not have been that important to ME).

It's the same as leaving the keys in an unlocked vehicle's ignition in public and someone steals it. Did you do all you could to prevent theft and protect what belongs to you? No. You could have taken the keys out of the ignition, locked the vehicle, and had the keys on your person. Then the theft is all on the thief.
If the vehicle is on your own land that's a different story.

I personally don't touch any piece of property that don't belong to me, without permission, but I don't automatically assume that others play by those rules.

Thank you again. I've been so misinformed all these years. Thank goodness for the Internet
years ago in Old City Philly before it took off there was a Pinto with a sign in the window...NO RADIO. buying a case for my Martin D-28 I picked up a blue Martin case in the music store. the clerk handed me a nice black one and asked, why tell them whats inside. I made a canvass cover for that black tube with the G. loomis fish skeleton on it. generally my car is full of junk. I hate parking on remote streams or trailheads.
A lock only keeps honest people out. If somebody wants an item they will find a way in.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
Brookie Wrote: I remember an old farmer saying

I think this is referring to FD!

I was once informed that a lock only keeps honest people honest. If a theif wants something they will figure out how to get it.

That's true.

I mean the last part of course. Although I have mellowed with age, I'm still not a pacifist.

If someone stopped and asked if they can have something from my garden, I'll say. "sure, help yourself" But if I catch you stealing, it might not end well for you.

I didn't use my jacket as an example because mine is too big for most people on here cept for maybe Tim Robinson and Tim Murphy and not quite big enough for a tent for the rest of you.

People suck.
geebee wrote:
DanL wrote:
I think that goes back to the whole idea of having a beater vehicle, and maybe then you won't be targeted as much? .

its the same with Sage, TU stickers etc in the cab window and "Fly guy" etc plates.

LOL, my license plate starts with FMR, but purely coincidental. No vanity plates here. But I agree with both of you.
i was fishing spring yesterday at one of the parking lots below fishermans paradise and as i was packing up taking the rod apart a pretty sh***y white car pulled into the parking lot. two guys probably about 20 years old were in the car, looked like scumbags. i definitely caught them off guard being there, they pulled in the lot and turned around and left. i looked at them but they didn't make eye contact with me.
The contents (ff gear) inside my car are worth more than the car itself. Knock on wood, thieves have stayed away from my 15 yr old rusted Honda so far. The car goes fishing and the truck hunts.
Maybe instead of Sage & Simms stickers, people should find some Eagle Claw stickers, and maybe a "This Driver Carries Less than $20 in Fly Fishing Equipment" stickers like the pizza delivery guys have...
But in all seriousness to the OP, definitely sucks. I know when me and my brother go night-fishing at the river, we hike a good ways in and never leave anything in his truck because we know there's always someone looking for something for free.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:

Thank you again. I've been so misinformed all these years. Thank goodness for the Internet

Hey, you put it on the internet where everyone can read it. I can't take all the credit.

SlingerFlyRods wrote:

Message was simple. Lock your car and be aware that there was a theft in the gamble mill parking lot. Period.

So you're saying had you locked your coat up in the cab it wouldn't have been as easy to steal? Hmmm.
huntfish wrote:
i was fishing spring yesterday at one of the parking lots below fishermans paradise and as i was packing up taking the rod apart a pretty sh***y white car pulled into the parking lot. two guys probably about 20 years old were in the car, looked like scumbags. i definitely caught them off guard being there, they pulled in the lot and turned around and left. i looked at them but they didn't make eye contact with me.

Well, it wasn't me. I usually make eye contact.;-)
HAHA so FD what you're saying is you search for deserted parking lots along SC to smoke doobies or did i just read that wrong :p
JohnPowers wrote:
years ago in Old City Philly before it took off there was a Pinto with a sign in the window...NO RADIO. buying a case for my Martin D-28 I picked up a blue Martin case in the music store. the clerk handed me a nice black one and asked, why tell them whats inside. I made a canvass cover for that black tube with the G. loomis fish skeleton on it. generally my car is full of junk. I hate parking on remote streams or trailheads.

Good post John. I once repaired (for free of course) a bamboo fly rod for a young man on here (16 I think). He had bought it on Ebay and it had a couple undisclosed but minor issues.

When I sent it back, I packed it inside a homemade fly rod tube made from thick wall PVC (no charge for that either). He kind of laughed at that rod tube. It was quite functional and very durable and even had a screw on cap. Heck, I used it for quite awhile myself for one of my bamboo rods. I figured he can cover it with fabric or paint it if he wanted it to look less like a drain pipe (which didn't bother me in the least).

Maybe he will read this.
huntfish wrote:
HAHA so FD what you're saying is you search for deserted parking lots along SC to smoke doobies or did i just read that wrong :p

Naaa, if I was doing that, I probably wouldn't make eye contact. Besides, I would pick a parking spot along a less crowded stream.;-)

I admit I left that wide open for interpretation on purpose (was asking for it).

If one can't laugh at oneself from time to time...

Basically I was just saying I used to drive an old rusty white car and left the nice one at home.

Fly Fisherman are all victims.

someone is always taking your money and your willingly comply.

...and by the way...who ever has my Simms waders now...I hope you enjoy the way they leak at the knees



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huntfish wrote:
HAHA so FD what you're saying is you search for deserted parking lots along SC to smoke doobies or did i just read that wrong :p

one night last summer, i saw a car in the parking lot on white clay with a guy sitting in the BACK seat.

i was troubled by this and wondered if he was up to no good or just enjoying a quite doob... then a pony tailed chick (god i hope it was chick...) bobbed her head up and put her bra back on....


Isn't it warm enough for you people yet? Get out on the stream for gods sake... Jeeze
Bummer about the jacket.
Reading the responses to this original post I cannot help but recollect the signs I saw on the news at the University of Virginia about rape.

Women there feel they are being told,"Don't do things that will get you raped"instead of telling the guys, "rape is wrong don't do it".
Thieves don't window shop for sage and orvis rods in marked sage and orvis rod tubes and socks. They are not stealing to upgrade their fishing arsenal. They are opportunists. They break into your vehicle and steal whatever is in there that they think they can convert to money or drugs.
Lol my initial post was designed to let people know that there was a theft in a popular fishing locale. I didn't asked for a lecture becsuse it wasn't a cry for help or me complaining about it.

Just stating what could happen if you leave things unlocked or leave valuables in sight.

Nothing further needed