Stolen Jacket



Jan 6, 2014
Just a public service announcement for fellow anglers.

A few weeks ago I fished spring creek in Bellefonte and it being cold in the early morning, then shedding a layer at the truck, then making the trip downstream to fish for a bit.

It wasn't the most expensive jacket but it kept me warm and dry. it was a tan frog toggs rain jacket my father bought me years ago.

I had it in the back of my truck that had a cap on it (cap was not locked)

make sure you keep your vehicles locked. Even in a place you think it would be safe.. with the season coming around, there will be those who don't respect others property and we need to take the extra step

lesson learned on my part.. don't let it happen to you

that sucks. its always my way to lock the car or truck and put the alarm on.

you just never know do you ?
That sucks. But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

I remember an old farmer saying once about stolen property "If he can live with it, I guess I can live without it". People nowdays can live with it.

That sucks. But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

BS, he wasn't asking for anything, what a crap attitude. Locked or not, it's not his fault somebody stole his jacket, that's 100% on the scumbag that helped himself to it.
tomitrout wrote:
That sucks. But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

BS, he wasn't asking for anything, what a crap attitude. Locked or not, it's not his fault somebody stole his jacket, that's 100% on the scumbag that helped himself to it.

I agree 100%

Lol people on this forum can argue about anything

Truck caps can be broken into rather easily. If someone really wants to get into yours, they probably will - whether it's locked or not.
Mine got broke into once while hunting.

I now try to keep my really valuable stuff locked up front in the cab
1hook wrote:
Lol people on this forum can argue about anything

No they can't ! :-D
Brookie Wrote: I remember an old farmer saying

I think this is referring to FD!

I was once informed that a lock only keeps honest people honest. If a theif wants something they will figure out how to get it.
A little off topic but I have to admit that over the years I have worried about this. We leave our truck in some pretty remote places while fishing streams and always have some expensive stuff left behind such as back up rain jackets, rods, reels, etc etc. Locked or not locked pretty easy pickings for someone with bad intentions. I know that a few years back there were some real problems in parking areas for Adirondack streams and trail heads. I've tried to pare back on the extra stuff I leave in the truck.
I think that goes back to the whole idea of having a beater vehicle, and maybe then you won't be targeted as much? I think I remember someone here even saying they didn't leave anything in the truck and left it unlocked, so people wouldn't smash windows or try to break in only to find nothing...

Even something like fly boxes, once you stuff them full of 200 flies, is worth a decent penny. Hate to lose anything....
Sorry to hear about your jacket. I drive a soft top wrangler so I don't even bother locking it. It's easy to get into, and half the time the idiots will just cut the windows, which cost more to replace than about anything they would steal. Maybe look into a locking toolbox for the truck, since the cap can get sliced/broken into easy as well. I've had things taken and my center console broken (it was locked). It sucks. But it's only material possession and you can replace it, so that is the good news. Wish people weren't so crappy.
DanL wrote:
I think that goes back to the whole idea of having a beater vehicle, and maybe then you won't be targeted as much? .

its the same with Sage, TU stickers etc in the cab window and "Fly guy" etc plates.

I just try to minimize temptation - put anything valuable away and make sure the alarm is on.

BrookieChaser wrote:
But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

Simply amazing.

Karma's a *****, and I am going to laugh out loud when she pays you a visit some day.
ColdBore wrote:
BrookieChaser wrote:
But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

Simply amazing.

Karma's a *****, and I am going to laugh out loud when she pays you a visit some day.

Just saying, isn't karma a lot like the opposing mirror effect in the barber shop? What I mean is, the wishing of negative consequences is in itself worthy of Karmic retaliation. This Karma thing is complex, idinit?
ColdBore wrote:
BrookieChaser wrote:
But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

Simply amazing.

Karma's a *****, and I am going to laugh out loud when she pays you a visit some day.
ttt That is amazing, but not surprising. Some things don't change.

Sorry to hear you were targeted. I hate thieves.

You know, it doesn't really matter what your vehicle says on it (stickers), if it's parked in an area (they know) where guys are either hunting or fishing, thieves know you'll be gone for a good while (usually) and have enough time to do their dirty work.

I had the lock punched in on my Silverado while I was hunting 2 years ago. They didn't get in either. I would have wrapped my bow around dudes neck if I had caught him beating on my truck, I can promis you that.
BrookieChaser wrote:
That sucks. But by my thinking, with the act of not locking up your gear, you were asking for it.

I remember an old farmer saying once about stolen property "If he can live with it, I guess I can live without it". People nowdays can live with it.

You are so right thank you. I completely wanted to blame the person that stole from me then I thought wait a minute... it's my fault.

Anywho, if you care to reread my message it appears you misconstrued what my message really was about.

A public service announcment.

Not a cry for help, not a pity party and certainly not a lesson in ethics from you.

Message was simple. Lock your car and be aware that there was a theft in the gamble mill parking lot. Period.

I leave nothing in my vehicle When possible. I don't take extras to leave in my car while fishing or shopping or whatever, if possible. I have had my car broken into in the city and in nowhereville. First time they stole $7.00 bucks but it cost me 300 bucks for a new door window. The Second time they stole a pack of newports. I replaced the same piece of glass myself for 85 bucks bought at a junkyard. I Prefer leaving my door unlocked. You guys can help yourself to my car charger just dont break my window.

I also thought the scum bag was at fault. Now I understand how wrong I was as well.
If I have something I don't want stolen in an unattended vehicle said item is behind lock and key. Especially in a populated area like Bellefonte. If I didn't protect it, and it got stolen, if they can live with it, I guess I can live without it (because it must not have been that important to ME).

It's the same as leaving the keys in an unlocked vehicle's ignition in public and someone steals it. Did you do all you could to prevent theft and protect what belongs to you? No. You could have taken the keys out of the ignition, locked the vehicle, and had the keys on your person. Then the theft is all on the thief.
If the vehicle is on your own land that's a different story.

I personally don't touch any piece of property that don't belong to me, without permission, but I don't automatically assume that others play by those rules.
JackM wrote:
ColdBore wrote:

Interesting that you'll respond to my post here Jack, yet STILL continue to remain mum on the Obama transparency question. :roll: