Steelhead Thread 2014-2015



Active member
Sep 26, 2012
Well after reading a steelhead article in American Angler magazine, and the Fever thread. I just figured To get this annual thread going. Yes I've been thinking about Steel allot the last couple of days even though it's August.

May the Chrome send our reels drag screaming down the bank
I heard they are already to McKean.... :-D
they are stacked liked cordwood... I caught 22.75 yesterday on a black and tan woogish fly. They just can't resist the woogish fly! Some of them were fresh, but most had been in the stream for a while.
Ha ha I just caught 2 brows on the far side of 90 up on crooked creek there were too many fish down by the nursery waters
Off to the craft store I go I'm tying rabbit strip intruders with bustard feathers deer hair and super secret easter egg grass dubbing mix
September 22nd will bring the first big rain and cool temps to start the run. That's my prediction this year. I've actually been within several days the last few years on that.

I hope to get out a handful of times this year. Didn't get up much last year.

Ok, any preference for the JAM this year?

October 31-2nd
November 7-9
November 14-16

The JAM has not been kind to us for fishing the last few years. Hope this year is different.
i like the late november one
Got the first of the season under my belt.........


i just booked 4 days in Pulaski for Nov 8-11, and tomorrow i'm booking my seattle flights for a week on the Sol Duc and Hoh for March 29 to April 4.

i'm a first time visitor to both, so yes very excited.
Geebee, I fished both of those a long while back. Beautiful country. GG
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Geebee, I fished both of those a long while back. Beautiful country. GG

it looks it. i'd welcome any tips - i'm going to do 2 days guided and two DIY. i'm leaving the choice of rivers to the guides but i hope to swing flies on both and maybe the bogachiel.

Locals on speypages have told me that Larry Ford (blue Heron) and Bob Triggs (little stonefly) are the go to guys with decent rates - about $250 per day.

I'm a little unsure how to co-ordinate with two different guides though - i don't want to end up fishing the same stretch of river twice....

should i just pick one guide ?

and btw - what size eggs do you use on the Salmon River, and do you wrap em with wire or put bead heads on them ?


12 or 13 years ago (before I bought the farm), we had a cold August and I actually did catch my first steelhead that year on Elk Creek a few miles upstream from the lake. I believe I was upstream of Lake Street. And I believe it was around the 21st of that month too, give or take a day. OK, I doubt it was the 20th because that is our anniversary date and I am still married.

It's not unheard of.

Hey Norm. If you are up for an early scouting trip, let me know. I might be interested.

The event I was waiting on happened yesterday morning and things should be starting to settle down now, I think.
geebee wrote:
and btw - what size eggs do you use on the Salmon River, and do you wrap em with wire or put bead heads on them ?



I used size 10's and felt quite fine with landing fish on them. I would say if you're targeting salmon I wouldn't use anything smaller than 12 or you have risk of breaking or straightening a hook. 8's and 10's should be good. I use a heavy gauge scud hook.

Bring lots of flies and LOTS of split shot. NY doesn't sell lead in any form so bring your own. The large spin fishing shot, not the dinky fly fishing kind. Literally bring 3-4 times more than you think because you'll go through it. Guys in my group a few years ago were picking shot out of trees and snags because they didn't take my advise and ran out.

All flies I tie for the salmon river are 2 minutes or less to tie. You will go through flies so no use in spending a ton of time on them. Eggs are estaz and yarn. Don't worry about making them look pretty. I also tie a simple zonker pattern... cone head or bead head, 1 zonker strip tied in at the bend and then wrapped with chenille for the body and the zonker tied over top attached by the bead/cone. Maybe wrap it with wire to help durability but KISS. Orange hot bead and black body has been killer for me but tie everything in at least 5-6 colors. The fish can key on different colors on different days so be prepared. Bring your tying gear as well as you may find a hot pattern and be prepared to tie a bunch in between the fishing.
Dave, hope things start to settle down for you, sorry. I'd definitely like to make it up for more then just the jam, only drawback is the travel time almost 2 1/2 hours or so. Will definitely let you know.
ryguyfi wrote:

I used size 10's and felt quite fine with landing fish on them. I would say if you're targeting salmon I wouldn't use anything smaller than 12 or you have risk of breaking or straightening a hook. 8's and 10's should be good. I use a heavy gauge scud hook.

Bring lots of flies and LOTS of split shot. NY doesn't sell lead in any form so bring your own. The large spin fishing shot, not the dinky fly fishing kind. Literally bring 3-4 times more than you think because you'll go through it. Guys in my group a few years ago were picking shot out of trees and snags because they didn't take my advise and ran out.

All flies I tie for the salmon river are 2 minutes or less to tie. You will go through flies so no use in spending a ton of time on them. Eggs are estaz and yarn. Don't worry about making them look pretty. I also tie a simple zonker pattern... cone head or bead head, 1 zonker strip tied in at the bend and then wrapped with chenille for the body and the zonker tied over top attached by the bead/cone. Maybe wrap it with wire to help durability but KISS. Orange hot bead and black body has been killer for me but tie everything in at least 5-6 colors. The fish can key on different colors on different days so be prepared. Bring your tying gear as well as you may find a hot pattern and be prepared to tie a bunch in between the fishing.

great information thanks.

i have buggers in olive, white, black, orange, brown, purple, chart yellow and egg sucking leech, plus a whole bunch of popsicle type flies in black/white, blurple, sunrise etc from when i was up in Canada.

does red ever work ? - i fish red marabou leeches for LL Salmon in NH in the spring.

do bombers, mice ever work swung on the top ?

I have crystal meth spawn, stonefly nymphs , steelhead spiders, GPs and Reapers in small sizes should the water be low and clear.

i prefer to swing flies, but the eggs and buggers are my back up plan.



red can be THE color up there at times. I also have had a lot of luck on Chartreuse streamers especially for the steel. If you're used to Erie steel, then you're in for a treat. I love Erie steel, but the Ontario steel put them to shame and quite easily.

All those flies should work but add just a few to be safe. I haven't ever used bombers or mice up there. I would say there would be limited success but always worth a shot especially if you're having a banner day and want a challenge.

you are fishing the wrong Erie tribs...

The best steelhead fishing in NYS is within 40 mins from the PA line. I live 40 mins from the SR and would rather drive 2-3hrs west than make the 40 min drive north.

HUSH !!!!