Steelhead Jam 2016 11/4 - 11/6

JackM wrote:
bikerfish wrote:
Probably not going to make it, trying to finish up a couple jobs, getting ready for trip to SE Asia, leaving next Friday for Burma and Thailand. Hope you guys have some good conditions up there, and drink a beer at the Avonia for me!!

Bring back some Tied Stick-- you know, that stuff that's tied to a stick.

-- [Vintage] Cheech and Chong.

Yeah, customs love when you try to do that!!
DanL wrote:
Prodigal, are you going to meet up with us at Folly's? Or are you saying you're just going to be up there in general. Just making sure we know to help you if you need any guidance....

Wasn't planning on going to the Jam. Just was trying to go up on a weekday and not have to battle anyone. Then I saw how high it was and made up my mind to go to the Little J. Now I am thinking about trying Erie again. All over the
Downstream from Folly's End.
Tuesday, managed to land few.
Many hookups.
Make friends with "Zonkers".



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I saw the signs there a couple Mondays ago, big bummer, I loved that stretch of water, and usually did good down there.
A few bad apples and that is what ya get.
Had a great time doing some fishing with Pro4mance and GonnaFlyNow. Even if the fishing was slower than we would have liked on Saturday, always fun to get together for a few beers once a year and try to catch some steelies. Hoping to get up at least once more this year after a nice rain soaker...
Thanks Pro4mance for organizing this year. I fished with Ryguyfi on Saturday and only was able to run into Nello this year. I hit the Avonia tavern on both Friday and Saturday night but didn't see anyone. Oh well, I still had a good time even though the fishing sucked. That is to be expected in Erie. Low expectations equal little disappointment. Overall good trip and totally worth the cost to Fly in from South Carolina.