Steelhead Info for Jammers this weekend

Some days I walk, find open water with just a couple other fishermen up there. Weekdays. Maybe I’m just lucky to be there when the crowds are down somewhat. But I can almost always find some space where there are not many people around.
Fritz wrote;

But I can almost always find some space where there are not many people around.

Me too. Many guys are scanning the water looking for pods of a dozen fish or more. As big as they are it is surprising how shallow a riffle they can hide in. Often I will pick some out of a 10" deep riffle leading into a small plunge pool.
After reading these posts I yearn for the past when I would fish upper Elk during the week and see very few people,now every day is a weekend!
Of course to make those days even better there were MANY more fish,A 20-30 fish day was ordinary,and 50 -70 fish days were not uncommon!
Those days are gone and will not return but I had them and the memory of them,now I go to Alaska for the great fishing.
troutwilleatflies wrote:

Of course to make those days even better there were MANY more fish,A 20-30 fish day was ordinary,and 50 -70 fish days were not uncommon!
Those days are gone and will not return but I had them and the memory of them,now I go to Alaska for the great fishing.

There are still opportunities for good fishing in Erie. Winter fishing is far less crowded than what you see in the Fall. This year we are having an early Winter. These last two days on Elk were similar to your description of "ordinary". (More middle Elk than upper).
My story goes like this: Winter run fish are starting to move through. Ran into five other anglers over the past two days. Fished three hours on Thursday and four hours today. Averaged about 5 fish landed per hour. Perfect water conditions helped. These winter run fish are running bigger that those early fall run fish. The two big 7-8 lb fish fell victim to a big swung streamer. Most fish were caught on yarn. The End. :)

Took the long way home and drove by many access areas. Sterrettania seemed to be the most crowded with a total of a dozen cars between the two parking lots. Other areas had 1-3 vehicles parked this early afternoon. These Winter fish tend to get more and more sluggish the longer they are in the stream. That is why I like mid-lower Elk this time ff year. Hotter fish.
Alaska seems pretty far.
raftman wrote:
Alaska seems pretty far.

You just aren't dedicated enough Raftman. Lol, you know I'm teasing you. I think driving an hour is too far for 99% of my fishing. If that was my normal fishing commute I wouldn't go often.