Steelhead flies

I do, but would it end up being 15 different kinds of eggs? :lol: We might have to make a "no yarn eggs" rule, unless there is something special about them.
ryguyfi said "Next I take the yarn and bunch it and put some wraps underneath, like tying in a post for a parachute, then take thread to eye, finish and cement."

I'll second that - I tie "egg" flies the same way, it works great.

I've gone to using, un-snelled, plain-shank Eagle-claw hooks for egg flies. They are fairly stout hooks that won't bend - and they are super cheap (at wally-world) compared to fly-tying hooks. I haven't found them available in small sizes - I think I've been able to get them easily in size 14 at the smallest.

I like the heavier hook for it's sinking power to balance out the buoyant yarn. These have worked for me but, I'm definitely no expert on the steelheading. I'm fairly new to that game.
Good call Jay...or at least limit the # of tyers who are doing it...cause you can always use a few more eggs!!

We would need at least one prince & zugbug plus some buggers, comets, PTs, mini decievers, black stones...there are some options.
My prince/zug bug isn't really either. I use antron for the wings, rubber legs for the tails, and ice dub.

I'll sign up to tie them.
I'd be willing to take on a version of the zug bug. I could also do a wolly bugger, egg sucking leech, bunny streamer pattern I like, clouser, comet, etc...
You guys wanna do a swap?!!! I better tie a little faster - I'm only halfway done! Kinda tough to do with one eye on the Phillies game. ;-)

that makes me feel underprepared lol...

Damn you!

Like ryan, I felt underprepared after seeing that. I went and tied a handful of chenille sucker spawns and some more bunny leeches. I don't have anywhere to put them, so it looks like I'm going to have to infect my nymph box with trib flies!
David wrote:
Think we have time for a quick salmon / steelhead swap before we get into the thick of the season?????

If you host I'll do it. Jay thanks for the props. I been tying every night. Placed an order for 150 egg hooks yesterday. To whom ever suggested the hook guy on ebay thanks. He is great.
That would be me bruno... I ordered 400 off of him about a month or so ago... can't beat it!
I am not prepared for steelhead yet, but still have time. I am however ready for salmon season, for sure.


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what's the pattern for all those chrystal flash flies?
Looks like estaz.

Tie it in at the bend, wrap forward, tie off.
Yup, mostly everything on the left of the box is estaz. Easy to tie egg patterns. I am not very good at yarn eggs, so I stay with estaz.

I suck.

WOW. HAHAHA. I need to tie for like 3 weeks straight to catch up to all you guys.

I have been tying 3 or 4 BH princes and 3 to 4 sucker spawns a day for the last week.
Millertime wrote:

I suck.

WOW. HAHAHA. I need to tie for like 3 weeks straight to catch up to all you guys.

I have been tying 3 or 4 BH princes and 3 to 4 sucker spawns a day for the last week.

Yup, I know that feeling. I am working on BH zug bugs now. I've also been tying up a few smallie patterns and saltwater patterns. Getting ready for Fall fishing. Not worrying to much about the trout flies lately, so my boxes for trout look weak at best.
I am not the steelhead fisherman many are...I have had great success with no more than four flies...

I use an egg pattern by Rich Zoog formerly of Orchard View Anglers that is tied in a sparse/loose egg form...with a dot made from Orange sparkle #14 and #10s...

Buggers in white, olive, black...

Elk Creek Caddis a simple white caddis pattern with a brown head & Bead. Extremely easy fly to tie...From the Jerry Darkes fly video...

Slumpbusters in Olive and White from John Barr...

I will try to attach a picture of the egg pattern as it looks very different dry to wet...
I'm with you boss... I have a few flies I fish and they catch fish, so why mess with a good thing. I tied up a few different ones this year, but probably won't use them too much. We'll see. Tied up about 30 last night, and a few indicators.

Does anyone use a loop of string, or a rubber band to attach their indicators? The yarn ones with the O ring. I saw it some where that this will keep from putting kinks in your leader and it is still adjustable. The indicators I made are of that type, but with foam rather than yarn. Very easy to make and costs about 15 cents.
I have used them, but I prefer the kink in my leader. It kind of creates a right angle rig, which improves drift.
Yeah I know all about the right angle... by the days over I've got about 20 of them in my leader! I'm hoping to impliment that split shot theory of the video I posted the other day to take care of that. Just sick of my leader looking like crap.